Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Other acts sought to prohibit as far as possible corrupt practices and limited the amount of money a candidate could spend on election expenses .
2 Bolney Estates agreed to take up £1,000 worth and others agreed to buy a further £3,000 worth .
3 Moreover , at the critical moment at least one of the mines failed to go off .
4 Middlesbrough 's shambolic defenders failed to come up with the answers to the riddles posed by Rosenthal 's direct running .
5 These rubber Hammers failed to respond even when Allen marked his transfer from one club to the other with a spectacular , 27th minute shot that cancelled out Wise 's rather streaky opening goal for Chelsea only a minute earlier .
6 Problems are categorized in elaborate ways and rules devised to determine how the organization should respond to the arrival of any new problem falling into one or another of the existing categories .
7 The two other bombs failed to explode fully , landing nearby in Mountbatten Green , behind the Foreign and Commonwealth Office .
8 The authorities sought to break down the mystique surrounding him , and to present him as a common criminal , parading him before 300 journalists on Sept. 24 in an iron cage erected on the patio of the Lima police headquarters .
9 In their private lives , many of the repealers sought to live out the ideal of companionate marriage .
10 No attempts made to knuckle down and smarten up .
11 The sight of violent confrontations on the streets of major cities helped to stimulate yet further the acrimonious political debate about how to regenerate depressed inner-city localities ( Robson , 1988 ) .
12 The researchers tried to bump up numbers by installing large wooden nest boxes ( 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 1.0m ) on the top of telegraph poles throughout three plantations .
13 On May 24 , 1989 , the Paris Club creditor nations agreed to reschedule approximately $550 million of Cameroon 's outstanding public foreign debt ( estimated at $2,785 million at the end of 1987 by the World Bank ) .
14 Instead , the government and insurers agreed to set up a special fund .
15 She was wearing a tight black mini-dress , and her hair was a dark cloud around her beautiful face , the eyes made to look even larger by skilful dark blue make-up .
16 Such references to the freedom of the divine will were often used in the seventeenth century to justify attacks on rationalist theories of nature , whose authors presumed to know how God must have shaped the world .
17 The Flemish parties agreed to allocate more national revenues to regional budgets .
18 The miners had been seeking a 25 per cent pay increase , but the mine faced an uncertain future , with reserves expected to run out by 1996 .
19 The DHAC and NILP supporters sought to get back into the chamber ; finding the doors locked , they got in through the mayor 's parlour and were joined in the gallery by Alderman Hegarty and Councillor Friel .
20 Julian Wood , a partner with liquidators Sterling Ford , said there are ‘ significant deficiencies ’ with losses expected to total more than £200,000 .
21 The stand we were in was wooden and when a few of the fans tried to light up their cigs. they were immediately pounced upon by the attendants to cordially desist .
22 The discovery was painful , and his heavy-lidded eyes narrowed to shut out the picture she made with them .
23 Stavrogin is a killer — or can be — but he does nothing : ‘ the light in his eyes seemed to go out . ’
24 His eyes seemed to glide away from her .
25 Anna 's blue eyes seemed to see too much , and Merrill had already had enough of that discomfiting shrewdness from Luke .
26 The strange boy 's eyes seemed to penetrate so deeply into Willie 's that he felt sure he could read his thoughts .
27 Ryan 's eyes seemed to bulge even as she watched , and she threw herself frantically towards them .
28 Irina 's intense slightly squinting gaze , the way her eyes seemed to splinter sometimes and crackle with light , her cat-like face , the dark down upon her upper lip , the way she wrung her hands , all blended now into a single presence .
29 His eyes seemed to search deep into her .
30 The narrowed blue eyes seemed to pierce right through her .
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