Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] it have " in BNC.

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1 Look it 's got two legs and it 's got two plaits the same as me .
2 She had looked into the midnight-dark eyes and it had n't seemed to matter at all that the plaza was a very busy place .
3 So when you run to get it started off , you have all your uranium fuel rods in the reactor and you 're control rods and it 's it 's shut down at that stage okay , then you gradually start withdrawing the control rods , and see what 's happening .
4 Although the area is infrequently visited by walkers and it has a unique cultural heritage and offers those who do visit something special .
5 Schools run themselves some have left the authority , we still have three education sub committees a major education committee , numerous sub groups and working parties and it 's gone time we recognised the changing world and streamlined the members side of the education department in the same way that the officer side 's been streamlined and slimmed down .
6 The white-and-red type remained unchanged for the next two centuries and it has elements of common origin with the Ayrshire of Scotland ( which is basically white with brown markings , especially on the neck and face ) .
7 The King was , however , also King of his Dominions and it had been provided by the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 , that Parliament should not legislate for the Dominions ( defined as Australia , Canada , the Irish Free State , Newfoundland , New Zealand and the Union of South Africa ) except at the request of and with the consent of the Dominion concerned .
8 The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening ( Dorling Kindersley , 1992 , £29.95 , 0 86318 979 2 ) , a companion volume to the quarter-million-selling Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers , tries to be comprehensive for gardening techniques ; I have used it for all my practical enquiries for the last three months and it has let me down only once .
9 I gather that he 's got himself together over the last 18 months and it has certainly paid off .
10 Erm the only example that I can think of where that went wrong was where there was a delay in the post but er we certainly do endeavour , it was er it was something which we 've introduced in the last erm eighteen months and it 's been welcomed by members and er it is certainly our intention to give everyone as much notice as possible .
11 erm most of them have n't heard much from their families , no news at all , for the last six months and it 's been very difficult for us .
12 Quite wide steps and it 's designed as as a exhibition .
13 The romance lasted for only two months but it had amusing , melodramatic aspects .
14 Aye , but I 've been chewing them buggers this last six months but it has n't worked for me
15 That ability has led us into the more specialized areas and it has demonstrated that success was not just getting through the traumas of the 70s and taking costs out of the business , but in finding different directions in which to take the business . ’
16 Well the er consumer appreciation outlined er again that 's divided into two areas and it 's based on the socioeconomic groups and the purchasing patterns of the members of the public .
17 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
18 The company developed HFCS in the 1970s ; now soft drinks giants such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi use it instead of sugar to sweeten almost all their non-diet brands and it has 30 per cent of the North American sweetener market .
19 And the accumulation of capital has been internationalized by the internationalization of production : it has generated flows of direct investment as multinationals expand their enterprises in different countries and it has also indirectly generated flows of portfolio investment as the multinationals ' cash and financing needs have been channelled through the financial markets of the City , New York and Tokyo .
20 And it 's found , it 's found most of your spelling errors and it 's counted the words for you .
21 There have been problems with one or two areas but it has n't been a a a general problem .
22 ‘ I know Hitler is always falling out with foreign countries but it 's got nothing to do with us , has it ? ’
23 The it comes straight from the coa from the er mines and it 's it 's sent through chutes on these merry-go-round railways that go slow and they stop over this and then it 's all pulverized with heavy steel balls into powder and coal and into the furnaces it 's just blown in .
24 They are very good acts and it has been a tough battle to get through . ’
25 One hour and twenty minutes and it had slipped over the curvature of the earth , or so it seemed .
26 You 've got I 'll give you twenty minutes and it 's got ta be ready to be handed over to the other group in twenty minutes time .
27 What was it Dr Johnson said — ‘ Love is only one of many passions and it has no great influence on the sum of life ’ . ’
28 Cabezón wrote such versos or versillos and it has been suggested that he was stimulated by the example of Arnolt Schlick ( see p.184 ) who also composed what one might call suites of versets , notably those on ‘ Da pacem Domine ’ in the first part of his Tabulaturen ( 1512 ) , without the choral alternation .
29 Without this we are breaking our governing rules and it has been indicated that any future occurrence will make the person concerned liable to disciplinary action .
30 the trouble is not having enough modern catalogues of , of things that you can actually buy today because when they manufacturer them now they do n't erm make catalogues as often as they used to do er , it costs so much money in it I 'd er , I , I think that probably the next trend is going to be in lighting fittings er which will take in er you er , low energy lamps er , at the erm , the new fluorescent lamps er where erm , well there 's one in the hall which takes eight watts and it 's given us as much light out as a hundred watt lamp , er and
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