Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] to be " in BNC.

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1 It is identical to the individual , and the ability of such an enterprise to enter contracts or to be bound by duties or obligations is the same as that of an individual .
2 Retarded development , disturbed patterns of behaviour , inability to form relationships or to be self-sufficient have been seen as resulting from disease or physiological abnormality .
3 Many a teenager has been drawn into behaviour he would rather have avoided simply because he finds himself unable to stand up to his peers or to be the one who is ‘ different ’ .
4 She only had to have the usual amount of arms and legs and to be able to see where she was going .
5 Helping the sufferer to establish clear goals and to be oriented towards positive action , applying theory to practice .
6 Both seem to have good cars and to be comfortably off .
7 Creator God , You have called us to serve the cause of right ; you have chosen us to bring true justice to the nations and to be messengers of your freedom to those who are not treated as your children .
8 In asserting the supremacy of the Moldavian constitution and laws throughout the republic 's territory , and that " laws and other normative acts " would take effect in Moldavia only subject to ratification by the Moldavian Supreme Soviet , it appeared to go further than the Russian and Uzbek sovereignty declarations and to be closer in spirit to the more radical declarations of the Baltic and Transcaucasian republics , since it did not appear to allow for arbitration in the event of conflict with the USSR Constitution and laws .
9 This would enable the Institute to produce better embalmers and to be listened to .
10 A full meeting of the TCCB on May 19 will have decided whether the recommendations are to receive similar treatment to those of its predecessors , that is the Clark Plan of 1966 and the Palmer report of 1986 , and be consigned in large measure to the archives or to be adopted in full .
11 Secondly , some of the typical patterns that emerge , those which tend to be more specialized in mission , goals , strategies and functions and to be more oriented towards market relations to handle their functional alignments , for instance , will tend to be a part of a broader economic system in which the isolation of the focal organization makes only limited analytical sense .
12 I left the daphnia in the tank for three weeks , to eat any parasites and to be eaten , if the Angels wanted to and by then , the fish were eating flake and pellets .
13 We seemed to wrap ourselves in coil after coil of finely spun logic , to raise our pedestal upon a mountain of phrases and formulas and to be unresponsive to the altered mood of those whose opinions we sought to change .
14 According to this , the meaning of words and statements lies in the psychological states ( including long standing dispositions ) which they combine to produce in hearers and to be caused by in speakers .
15 And my Will is that William Moore ( Carpenter if living ) shall make my Coffin and that the same shall be covered with Black Cloth and nailed with White Nails and to be of the value of Five Pounds or thereabouts .
16 Jack Russells are difficult animals to teach to retrieve — I have only had one that would do it properly — but they can be taught to work nets , drive rabbits into nets and to be thoroughly disciplined in all they do .
17 The English curriculum ought to help to overcome such snobbery by encouraging children to discuss their accents and to be proud of regional differences , but the task of overcoming arrogance about accents is formidable .
18 ‘ I want to help Celtic win honours and to be part of the club 's history .
19 In 324 on arriving in the East he felt sure that soon he would go to the Holy Land to see the sacred sites and to be baptized in Jordan .
20 to make and enter into , on a basis of mutual consent , quasifamilial relationships outside one 's immediate family — i.e. the right to seek and choose guardians other than one 's own parents and to be legally dependent on them .
21 Thus to be a " bastard " , or the child of what we would call a " broken home " , means simply to have many parents and to be part of a larger , stronger family .
22 I work in erm family conciliation and lots of parents actually manage to stay parents and to be good parents to their children , but they do n't actually live together as parents .
23 I want an inspectorate to have the ability to make comments and criticisms and to be free of direct government interference .
24 It has been a great privilege to see how God has been at work in their lives and to be part of His plan for these men .
25 I should like to say I joined the scheme out of humanitarian concerns but to be honest it was with a view to increasing business .
26 He announced a US$14,000,000 aid package to be distributed in equal parts between the three states and to be financed under the US budget for fiscal 1991 ending on Sept. 30 .
27 At the start of the recession , we had to be prepared to have regard to its length , its depth , its breadth and to adapt policies and to be flexible .
28 And yet it is possible , as with all great art , to see the copies and to be enchanted again and again with the original .
29 The species of the genus Atta and Acromyrmex cultivate ( possibly different strains of ) a basidiomycete fungus , Attamyces bromatificus , which allows them to overcome a wide range of plant defences and to be polyphagous in a diverse environment .
30 The World Catholic Federation for the Biblical Apostolate ( WCFBA ) was formed in 1969 , both to co-ordinate Catholic projects and to be the appropriate organ to work in partnership with the United Bible Societies .
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