Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] that it " in BNC.

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1 I 'm just wondering if it 's my teeth or that it 's just my blood that 's doing it .
2 But attempts to convince us that the eating of meat and fish is an evil invasion of the inalienable rights of animals and that it should cease forthwith are a sham .
3 However , where more than one person ( eg a merchant bank and a stockbroker ) agrees to act as the agent of a party to the takeover and his associates for the purpose of making disclosure , particular care must be taken to ensure that the responsibility for disclosure is agreed between the parties and that it is neither overlooked nor duplicated .
4 It must be stressed , however , that an option-pricing approach implicitly takes into account the cost of funds and that it should , in theory , arrive at the same current valuation figure as the DCF method .
5 I am sorry that the hon. Gentleman can not see the broader picture of what is happening to the other units and that it is not an unfair arrangement .
6 It s vital that the school has an agreed policy on equal opportunities and that it carries the wholehearted support of both governors and staff .
7 A further point is that the Shotgun model includes a large number of carrier variables and that it is worth further investigation to see if a more parsimonious model provides a satisfactory relationship .
8 Republicans after 1871 therefore believed , with some justification , that the country 's diplomatic service was dominated by royalist and Bonapartist influences and that it must be made more responsive to republican ideas .
9 I gather that you built it yourself in one of your sheds and that it was there until Saturday afternoon , the day of the festival — is that right ? ’
10 We duly went back to Sun , which claims there is to a deal , just like it said , has been for months and that it is moving lots of product .
11 Sources close to the investigation suggest it has been dormant for some months and that it produced no conclusions one way or the other .
12 Society might judge that this severely reduced the welfare of citizens in remote areas or that it promoted regional dissent which reduced the sense of national unity .
13 The Judge held that the prosecution had been under a duty to disclose the video whether it had been demanded or not , that the view the camera had was of an area of the club that was relevant to the res gestae , that the tape would have contained matters of relevance to the defendants and that it was wrong for the police officer to have formed the view that it was of no relevance .
14 I hope that the hon. Gentleman is aware of the fact that unemployment has been rising in most European Community countries and that it is higher than it was a year ago in every EFTA and G7 country .
15 I believe that God 's forgiveness is one of the most blessed and therapeutic experiences and that it is offered to all who seek it …
16 It says Morland is paying too much for the new pubs and that it 's ’ the latest in a series of flawed actions by an increasingly desperate board . ’
17 It says Morland is paying too much for the new pubs and that it 's ’ the latest in a series of flawed actions by an increasingly desperate board . ’
18 Other possible explanations are that interferon alfa is directly toxic to hepatocytes and that it induces autoimmune chronic active hepatitis .
19 It is interesting that the Minister believes that could have a damaging impact on the quality of bids and that it is better to receive one bid that represents management and employees .
20 That is not to suggest that the gonococcus is not present at these different sites but that it is difficult to identify microscopically .
21 Secondly , that I think Ryedale was under the impression that Policy E two would n't affect local authorities ' choice of allocated sites but that it was a policy to apply outside of developing units and those sites we wish to allocate in local plan and not that was going to restrict our choice , in our case in those sites .
22 Insofar as English law requires the directors to take into account the interests of groups other than the shareholders it adopts the position that these interests do not fundamentally conflict with those of the shareholders and that it is therefore possible to arrive at a decision that balances all the relevant interests , subsuming them under or subordinating them to the vaguely defined collective goal of the organization .
23 and used steel cans and that it was costing them less to use that than it was to use
24 But we were told recently by a delegation from the french Senate , studying British methods of scrutiny of Community legislation , that they had great difficulty in obtaining copies of Commission legislative proposals and that it had been necessary for them to establish an office in Brussels to ensure a reliable supply .
25 Following on from the last administration , the Conservative proposals and that it would enable something like four hundred and fifty extra nursery places to be provided .
26 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
27 The look of the covers is central to the consistency of the brand name , ensuring that each volume conforms to expectations and that it is concocted to the same recipe .
28 Then we shall show that this more subtle procedure is a valid way of estimating a macroeconomic model which incorporates rational expectations and that it allows us to test rational expectations conditional on the economic model with which it is combined .
29 Contemporary accounts say that it could reach quite high speeds on the rails and that it saved fuel .
30 In 1.22 , Theorems VIII and X , we have shown that a real symmetric matrix has real eigenvalues and that it can not be defective .
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