Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] business [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AT&T will own 3% of Novell 's common stock but , according to Robert Kavner ( AT&T Group Executive for Communications Products ) , they have ‘ no plans to be involved in USL or Novell 's operations or business decisions . ’
2 Remember Kavner 's remark : AT&T has ‘ no plans to be involved in USL or Novell 's operations or business decisions . ’
3 In particular , accountants need to note the earlier arguments that even ‘ dogs ’ can sometimes be regenerated and that SBUs must be viewed as product groups or business interests and not necessarily as corporate organizational units .
4 VAT can not be reclaimed on certain expenses , e.g. cars or business entertainment expenses .
5 Exploration and production companies have to manage huge amounts of data from diverse databases and business disciplines .
6 For a while she hovered in the doorway of a film company building and watched the steady but sparse traffic of shoppers , office messengers and business types who were using the pathways through the square 's railed park as a shortcut on their way to somewhere else … but then a gold-braided security guard stepped out and asked if he could help her , and it was clear that she was being told to move on .
7 Functionally the whole city was proposed as a ‘ one-use zone ’ for offices and business premises , but secondary uses such as shops , public buildings , light industry and warehouses could be admitted according to detailed location and access .
8 The profession 's fifth Lord Mayor of London in 1978 and the 651st holder of that ancient office , ‘ KRC ’ , as he as known to closer journalists and business acquaintances , used that office to help the plight of the disabled and small to medium sized businesses .
9 He faced at least three other trials of misusing public funds and business fraud .
10 The great majority of solicitors continue in their traditional ways , making their staple living from conveyancing , probate , advising middle-class clients in minor disputes and business affairs , and litigation — though some firms prefer not to do the last if they can help it .
11 The former technology-specific units and business area management divisions have been collapsed into single structures around the various technologies .
12 Rangoon was sprinkled with Japanese : ostensibly doctors , dentists and business men , they were actually secret agents .
13 Hundreds of flooded cellars are having to be pumped clear before many shops and business premises can reopen .
14 Apart from skills in accounting , mathematics and communications , employers stressed the need for knowledge and skills in the use of computers and business software .
15 I referred in my letter to the human spiritual depression that is part and parcel of such closures — and indeed of all job losses and business failures .
16 And without a doubt our history , the commonwealth of nations and business acumen prove this .
17 Peter has with CCG for the past 2 years and also has 20 years experience in servicing ‘ blue chip ’ clients and business development .
18 Usually clients and business acquaintances went through his secretary , and only the very important calls got passed through .
19 ‘ The reaction from my clients and business contacts was tremendous — perhaps some of them wish they had done the same — and one senior partner from the Big Six wrote and told me that his mother had been a great friend of Lady Reading , the WRVS 's founder , and that until he was 15 he thought all women dressed in green ! ’
20 The future of the Daily Mirror is now in hock to City spivs and business tycoons — Hon. Gentlemen can shout as much as they like , but does the Prime Minister agree that citizens ' rights are best protected by pluralistic ownership of the press ?
21 Under its powers of investigation , the Commission can examine books and other business records of parties , take copies or extracts from the books and business records , ask for oral explanations on the spot and enter any premises , land or means of transport within EC territory belonging to the undertakings concerned .
22 The first edition had met a growing need for a special classification scheme in this area , since it was published in 1970 during a period of rapid growth for business schools and business libraries .
23 Supporting development of computer and communications equipment to be used in schools and business training .
24 The courses provide a detailed insight into the culture of the country as well as local amenities and business practices .
25 There are two categories of case to which the restraint of trade doctrine has traditionally been applied : contracts between employers/employees and business sale agreements .
26 In the case of demand for hotels , market segments would be tourist visitors and business travel .
27 The Financial Times of April 25 reported that administrators and business leaders in Hong Kong had welcomed Patten 's appointment , " because of [ his ] close connections to the UK government leaders " .
28 In nearby Camberley , the only fish and chip shop has gone bust after rents and business rates since 1990 .
29 That high rents and business rates have created high bar prices at a time when people can ill afford to pay them .
30 ( b ) Compatibility The success or failure of an amalgamation will depend on the degree to which the aspirations and business practices of each of the firms involved can be harmonised .
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