Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] call [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And that was when we came , and we started hay-making along there to the man-killers we called him , of course there 's a better picture here and I 've got it here along with the man-killer we caught it up , and we 've got someone coming along behind .
2 To No units they called them .
3 And it was there were two there was what they called the barn , the lofts they called it .
4 In one of his songs he called himself a master of the art of love , good enough to be able to earn his living at it .
5 She is a Christian woman and she whispers some of the words he called her .
6 Er I do a plug the alb of the album Midnight Postcards we call it , I 'm plugging that now until Christmas , promoting that er on television and radio , and I er in between I go on a short holiday to Africa and then January I start Alfie until May , and then I think I 'm gon na do a T V movie or a movie in June July , and then in end of July I go to America for four four till the end of November with Alfie .
7 Tramp aha , it was tramp coles they called them , they were ricks you know and you got into and you put up the hay and you tramped round and round you see ?
8 Oh yeah , bounties they call them , you know , .
9 They 're employed now by the I P A , now , so they 're on a regular basis , th th th boatmen today what they call boatmen today , as I say they 're not boatmen , they 're just ropemen I call it .
10 But erm , after the erm forty four Act of course , things began to er develop quite quickly and erm we then had what we called erm discretionary awards or minor awards we called them in the first place
11 They were they preparatory workers they called them .
12 Well it , it must have been heart trouble the earliest memory I have of that is mother sending me with a neighbour out of Street , a Mrs , to tell my Aunt Lucy which was my dad 's sister , who lived in Street house , house was right opposite their gateway , now Aunt Lucy and there was er her family she w married a fella in and her daughter , her son and me uncle was my dad 's brother , I lived in the house with her , but er I remember tagging this Mrs from the Street down to Street along road and past the hospital , then along Walk and I up in Street , and er tagging Mrs and er Mrs had never met Aunt Lucy and er me Aunt Lucy suffered , what in those days they call it white leg , a woman 's complaint she was bedridden and er when we went in she must have asked why we were there , Mrs was a little bit flabbergasted and I blurted it out oh me dad 's dead , and me Aunt Lucy nearly went into hysterics , so that 's , that 's all I can manage I remember about that .
13 Yeah just a just a wooden bit of wood at the front and a a wooden bottom and then they had erm bed what did they call bed-sacks they call them
14 Erm also if you look at entertainment , like James Saville calls himself Jimmy Saville , Terence Wogan is Terry Wogan , so but then you look at people like Charlie Chaplin , when he was doing his comedian role he was c he called himself Charlie Chaplin , and when he 's directing films he called himself Charles Chaplin , so maybe it 's all like a bit of a serious thing .
15 ‘ Optioning ’ , they call it ; nicking best-selling authors ' plot-lines we call it , but increasingly novels have formed the bedrock of Hollywood 's biggest grossing films .
16 Some of the things she called me would have won the admiration of Hell 's Kitchen .
17 Yes the others were only hobblers they called them .
18 Vaches they call them in Fre
19 And the names he called me turned the air blue !
20 But you went on to a nameless belt of chairs and it took you it was Highways and Horizons they called it .
21 ( If the horse is inconsistent in its moods we call it temperamental ! )
22 As children we called her Minna , and she has been known to us and to our friends as Minna ever since .
23 Is it perennial the ones they call them ones that come up every year ?
24 I do n't call these er interviews I call them discussions because they are self employed positions and er I seem them as a business opportunity rather than a job quote job .
25 If ones came as in little wee pi pickups we called them the little lorry things you would sort of keep your eye very much because you did n't know they were looking for scrap and if you told them you had nothing they might go away with your iron gates or something .
26 After three sticky nights we called it a day .
27 I managed to rehouse all but one — the Cur(se) of the Killicks we called her , a Welsh Terrier .
28 Oh there was a they had er er th er counters they called them .
29 Five stones they call it , you know .
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