Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] know he " in BNC.

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1 And er he was there er two blokes had to get come get chains and get him out of it and all that and here was n't a scratch on him but erm he was off for about five or six months you know he had ee ee this brain tests and everything , the shock had er he was quite bad for some time .
2 To Christina 's thinking it was a mess , but seeing the faraway look in Stephen 's eyes she knew he viewed it differently .
3 His head turned , and although she could only just see the shadow of his eyes she knew he was looking at her .
4 Normally she would have screamed at him for the minute splinters she knew he must be creating , but now she kept her anger for other matters .
5 anyway he walked , he was only away about twenty minutes you know he wanted to get the car and for me to drive I thought well er
6 All sorts of bitter cynical things about the Slade and various artists — things I know he does n't believe .
7 He did all the things we know he is capable of doing and he behaved himself as well . ’
8 If he had been alert to everyday things he knew he would have heard it sooner .
9 When Tucker caught himself shrugging apologetically at the parrots he knew he was out of his depth .
10 He certainly needs some more players you know he 's not got enough .
11 She lived on in them , in their memories , not in the ashes he knew he would soon be given .
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