Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not to speak of trying to keep up with the other three murder investigations I 'm in charge of .
2 ‘ For a few minutes I was at peace with myself . ’
3 Within minutes I was inside the camp , where I hoped to meet the tinkers who had tried to rob me at Killorglin .
4 At times I was on the way down and the ball was on the way up .
5 Hurt by ‘ the ungenerous treatment which I met with from that very sex whose sufferings I was at so much pains to relieve ’ , he was glad to leave Aberdeen when recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy .
6 The Italian the other children spoke in school was not a dialect like my Triestino and in many subjects I was in any case behind the others , a thought which made me very unhappy .
7 Although Chi Chi was forty-six or so , he could still play some , and in the eighteen months I was with him he actually broke two course records on the tour .
8 During the first two months I was on a King 's Kids Outreach Tour .
9 During the seven and a half months I was on C1 I went to Crown Court twice , and each time I got remanded back into Holloway .
10 Actually , I did n't go to the hairdresser once during the five months I was in Private Lives and my hair became healthier from not being subjected to heated rollers or setting lotion .
11 ‘ During the three months I was in America a few years ago , it would happen again and again .
12 And you can meet the lads I 'm with . ’
13 ‘ IT 'S NOT the number of winners I am after this year .
14 If these are your worries you are in good company .
15 However , this is not a time for complacency because , although in many respects you are in control of your own destiny , there are certain obstacles to be surmounted before you have a completely free hand .
16 This makes us feel very feeble , as we have friends of our age who think nothing of motoring from here to Lowestoft in the day — but such feats are not for us , though we flatter ourselves that in most respects we are in pretty good nick .
17 Where trade unions have joined Compacts they are in a strong position to ensure that young people in Compact schools are fully informed about the advantages of joining and supporting the trade union movement .
18 Although rhinos have been depicted as rather vicious stampeding animals they are in fact sedentary and often solitary .
19 Meredith explained it was touch-line supporters they were after rather than players .
20 If you walk into Spanish shops they 're on size eight shoes I mean what would you mean what are you talking about .
21 People had the money or the shops they were on show on the that most expensive dress shop .
22 Oh yes I appreciate but I were just wondering what branches they were in , you 've explained that , that .
23 er I ca n't remember where I got them from , but they were n't in two dozen packets they were in dozens
24 And I remember , one afternoon , going out with the whole of the rating committee , to houses at Eastwood and Beeston , and other places , and m in effect measuring them by counting how many nine inch bricks they were across the front and back , to make sure that , you know , nobody was subsidizing anybody else .
25 This is potentially a glorious voice — one senses that instinctively — but to my ears it is at present just a voice , an instrument .
26 With its doss houses and meths drinkers it was for long Edinburgh 's ‘ skid row ’ but it in the process of being tidied up and its picturesque old buildings are being steadily restored .
27 For two centuries it was under the Habsburgs , but in the fifteenth it passed to Zurich .
28 And for a period of centuries it was under the joint rule of Bern and Fribourg .
29 By swinging his legs he was at last able to make painful progress , so that eventually he was half in and half out of the building .
30 Yeah , something stupid , and they knocked on the door , do you know what I mean , the most kids it 's like , it 's hiya Matthew , hi aunty , they knock on the door , I want to play with Hannah , I want to play with Matthew , Mat has , Mat has got to go out and play with them , and it 's my Milky Bar you ca n't not can I have one of your sweets Mat , my mother said I , I can have one of those sweets .
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