Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 how the , she expects to get her A level exams I just do n't know .
2 How many times I just do n't understand .
3 I know , but I 'm to buy two birthday presents I just do n't have thirty .
4 There are other times when for short trips you just do n't need all the capacity and weight of a ‘ serious ’ backpacking sack .
5 Tuesday comes and I 'm all set to head down when diaster strikes ( stupid computers they never do what you tell them to ) and the trip is cancelled .
6 ‘ I 've told them that I was fighting Franco and he 's a Fascist the same as Hitler , but once these fellows get an idea in their heads they just do n't listen . ’
7 a lot of his work is , sort of , rather than getting copies you just do a printout
8 Some days you just do n't feel like chuckling .
9 Some days you just do n't feel like chuckling .
10 There was a concerted splutter from Maggie and Peggy in which Rona did n't join ; instead , her expression quite humourless , she murmured , ‘ Well , you arsked , ’ and Peggy , mimicking her companion 's refeened accent , said , ‘ Yes , I arsked and you h'answered , h'as you always do . ’
11 Bad days are beans on toast , biscuits , or " some days we just do n't eat " .
12 I would hope over the next few years we actually do move towards increasing towards that but I think we will have some severe difficulties , particularly with the planning department where large numbers of members of the public do visit the area .
13 That 's another thing they used to do in those days they never do now , a lot of men when they bought a pair of boots , they had them what they called plumped .
14 We know that in these cases we often do face a real choice of evils and we have to find some way of deciding which of these evils is the worst .
15 They often go out as individuals , and where there are clubs we either do not hear from them , or their existence is short-lived .
16 That 's why I have a manager and people to do things for me , because some things I just do n't have time to do myself .
17 I reported them when I went up but whether there was any success in the things I just do n't know .
18 This is the way I have learned to use my machine and although there are one or two things I still do n't quite understand , I feel that with a bit of determination and the help of your articles I am getting there .
19 No , no , no , no apologies I just do n't want to know I 'll never forget her , but I 'll never wan na fucking see her again , I can guarantee you that .
20 Training logs are one of those things you simply do or do n't take to .
21 There will undoubtedly be things you already do well , that no longer require any conscious effort on your part .
22 Make a mental note of the things you find are most important to you and also of the things you habitually do that could perhaps go without too much hardship because they are not an essential part of your well-being and happiness .
23 Each year the GHS asks ‘ in the 14 days prior to interview have you had to cut down on any of the things you usually do ( about the house/at work or in your free time ) because of illness or injury ? ’
24 Why he allows those things we just do not know .
25 And this is one of the things we rarely do .
26 bathroom carpets we always do it 's the warm back
27 When children are actually involved in making things they often do not need an adult , unless they encounter a real difficulty and need help to cut or find a particular shape or material not already available .
28 We see it in the newspapers and we see it among politicians particularly , who say things they really do not mean , or things they do not even understand … .
29 ‘ There are lots of English painters I really do like . ’
30 In some ways you really do n't .
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