Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When this last measure failed to force some authorities sufficiently into line , the Conservative government , in 1984 , introduced a measure called rate capping that made it illegal for authorities designated by the Secretary of State to levy more than a certain amount in rates , their only form of independent finance .
2 But I can tell the Hon. Gentleman that sufficient time will be given to take all such considerations properly into account .
3 Grammatical errors and grammatical variations can arise when you put words together into phrases and phrases together into a sentence .
4 The main road is no less attractive and much quicker , passing the residence of Gate , a Victorian house built in mock Tudor style , and many delectable wayside cottages before crossing the Dee and , after being joined by a road from Barbondale near the ancient settlement of Gawthrop , heads directly into Dent Town .
5 Secker & Warburg , Chatto & Windus and Hamish Hamilton started to publish books straight into paperback instead of producing first editions in hardback .
6 Secker & Warburg , Chatto & Windus and Hamish Hamilton started to publish books straight into paperback
7 It lacks light and shade , the conviction and theatrical intensity that drives words straight into people 's hearts .
8 The development of resource-based learning brings the question of a revision of professional roles sharply into focus .
9 I had heard about the new economic empires of the East : Japan , Korea , Taiwan , Singapore , Malaysia … yet it was a surprise to realise how fast these giants are probing their tentacles deep into Sarawak 's ‘ Heart of Darkness ’ .
10 The latter appears to make more logical sense , but concentrates funds excessively into London .
11 An aerial on the distant receiver then picks them up and converts the information firstly into electrical signals then into sound which is reproduced by the loudspeaker .
12 ABBEY National is advising customers to get out of their Higher Interest and Seven Day Accounts , where rates will be CUT by one per cent after August 31 , and to put their savings instead into Investment or Instant Saver Accounts .
13 It means that we bring our disordered lives right into marriage more than we do in any other kind of relationship .
14 The conference had nothing like the coverage of either the British Medical Association or Royal Institute of British Architects festivities , so its impact on the public at the time was negligible ; but it marked a significant turn in the Prince 's own farming methods , brought environmental concerns slowly into consumer consciousness and in the long term dealt a devastating blow to the agrochemical industry .
15 Though leading outwardly normal lives , many from the Kindertransporte were still subject to emotional repercussions long into adult life .
16 But in practice his own research had proved that IMF austerity programmes force Third World countries deeper into debt .
17 I know that if we speak of the ‘ rhythm guitarist ’ as such , the image of a second-rate underdog player springs instantly into view , playing a tiresome , subordinate role to a far more experienced ( and inexcusably vain ) lead player .
18 And in ‘ subject specialist ’ delivery there will be sensitivity to the fact that subjects are never watertight and there are considerable attractions in bringing interdisciplinary elements even into subject teaching .
19 This study is the first to provide data on lifestyle from a large sample of adults with cystic fibrosis outside a major clinic : although inevitably influenced by survival effects , the survey shows that a substantial proportion of patients with cystic fibrosis now live fulfilling and productive lives well into adulthood .
20 The organ seems lost half the time , and without the vocals that enliven the wonderfully funky ‘ Love The Life ’ and excellent ‘ The Money ’ , side two slips away into formula .
21 The organ seems lost half the time , and without the vocals that enliven the wonderfully funky ‘ Love The Life ’ and excellent ‘ The Money ’ , side two slips away into formula .
22 Then Nomadic Way brought the stamina which enabled him to win the Cesarewitch two years ago into play and finishing well up that final testing hill , he failed by only a head to catch Cruising Altitude .
23 Some workers have found this state of affairs to be as disturbing to development as divorce ; and in research some years ago into family aspects of drug dependence .
24 Cut oranges horizontally into 5mm/¼in slices .
25 Of course , Freud 's own writings take both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic perspectives fully into account , and in this sense he is the true father of social psychoanalysis just as he is that of its clinical sibling .
26 This was a very hot body , spewing its heat and gases copiously into space : it can be thought of as a planet-sized erupting volcano .
27 ‘ Your lordship desired to meet the man who can carry messages freely into Wales , and out again .
28 The W H Smith-led initiative to publish promising first-timers straight into paperback and launch ‘ an exciting new generation of writers ’ got under way on Wednesday .
29 Rather the aim is to help people bring their specific and collective perceptions about the problems quickly into focus — a basis from which a course to direct action can be plotted .
30 Birch argued that the government was avoiding informing the public that it allowed companies to discharge dangerous chemicals and heavy metals directly into rivers .
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