Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] had [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As for the misprints — ‘ … traders rarely had European wives , often living as married to an African women …
2 Grammar schools already had adequate facilities or could build them from scratch .
3 THE two main title contenders both had bad results , and opened the door for two more teams to launch championship challenges on Saturday .
4 But the host computers also had different user interfaces , and students could n't be expected to learn them all .
5 Analysing the firms into a continuum of ten levels of technical complexity ( sub-divisions , slightly overlapping , of the three main levels described above ) firms using similar technical methods also had similar organisational structures .
6 The Germans and Croats only had sufficient rations for 48 hours .
7 Particular items like cartoons and horoscopes often had high readerships ; leading articles did not .
8 He cites the example shown by Viscount Montgomery in World War N. Laing , who fought under the famous military leader , recalls that the troops always had great confidence in him because he was very visible .
9 Chilean stations usually had overall roofs in the British manner .
10 It is true that in 1914 most Russian workers still had rural ties and very often owned land .
11 These plants probably had high levels of insoluble carbohydrates in their cell walls , principally cellulose , and may also have produced a wide variety of toxic plant secondary compounds .
12 The Minoans also had rural sanctuaries in open sites that were unconnected with peaks or caves .
13 The Minoans also had diplomatic and trading contacts with Egypt , where stone carvers were making representational bas-reliefs and larger-than-life-sized statues .
14 Station platforms , overbridges , signalling , motive power were all on British lines or British-made , and some country stations even had half-timbered buildings .
15 The employers clearly had strong reservations .
16 Indeed , when an intergovernmental conference was finally convened in 1985 in order to negotiate a European Union treaty , some member states clearly had severe reservations .
17 Coal gloom : British Coal chairman Neil Clarke has painted a gloomy picture of the prospects for ‘ substantial additional sales ’ in his talks with the power generating companies , saying the generators already had large stocks they wanted to run down .
18 US firms already had considerable sums invested in European subsidiaries between the two wars , and post-1945 FDI served both to rebuild what had been destroyed and to extend it .
19 His explanation is partly geographical ( these composers , and the ‘ folk remnants ’ they use , came from relatively ‘ backward ’ Eastern European countries , where such archaic traditions still had valid life ) and partly on the grounds that the old materials are reinterpreted through incorporation in the composers ' radically alienated perspective and progressive language ( Adorno 1973 : 35–6 ) .
20 T. Rex and his relatives also had large , curved tails that never touched the ground when the animal was in motion .
21 The ceratopsians also had bony heads , seen at its maximum in Triceratops enrycephalus , where the brow horns reached extraordinary proportions .
22 Under the dictatorship , senior managers often had close connections with Francoist notables , while many technical and professional staff , as well as blue-collar railway workers , had fought in the civil war on the nationalist side against the Republic .
23 Romania and Serbia had been subdued and the Central Powers now had direct access to their allies Bulgaria and Turkey .
24 These managers therefore had functional authority and responsibilities , and a matrix management organisation was created .
25 Time- asymmetry thus implies that while the terrain was undergoing upheaval new types of animal arose through a feedback process , because they needed the land for further food , and because the waxing and waning ice-ages together with ( or as a result of ) the early breakup and reformation of the continents often had major and fatal consequences for marine and land faunas .
26 Almost half the Congo patients still had detectable parasitaemia on day 4 ; in Gabon all patients had a negative thick blood film on day 3 , and this may be explained by the use of a new formulation of halofantrine .
27 All the offices were still within the partnership and all the partners still had joint and several responsibility , but the bank said no .
28 In one study , some of the patients also had chemical sensitivities , and when the results for these patients alone were considered , 90 per cent were found to be deficient in a particular enzyme system .
29 It should be noted that 18 of these patients also had therapeutic endoscopy of the pancreas with the aim at restoring the patency of the pancreatic duct ( pancreatic sphincterotomy , extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy , with or without stent placement in the main pancreatic duct ) .
30 These lower orders also had racial dimensions .
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