Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 Turnover rates for labour are also higher in older age groups especially among those workers over the age of 45 .
2 They had to look on while he laid waste their estates together with those of their supporters and captured and dismantled the great castle of Lusignan itself .
3 The Chancery , i.e. the Chancellor 's office , has a power ( Statute of Westminster II 1285 ) of framing new writs in cansimili casu — i.e. to meet new cases sufficiently like those for which writs already exist — and new writs are from time to time framed .
4 This majority was obtained by the votes of the 128 Popular Front deputies together with those of independents and deputies from radical nationalist groups ; the resolution was passed by 138 votes to none , with one abstention , but with a group of 57 pro-Soviet deputies boycotting the vote .
5 Look — No Hands ! contains garter carriage patterns especially for those new to this attachment , but with plenty to inspire the more experienced knitter .
6 The more traditionalist Marxist elements within the student movement rubbed shoulders uneasily with those who claimed to be — or occasionally were — of the streets .
7 These days golf managers parcel up their clients rather like those butchers ' pictures of carcases with dotted lines showing the different joints .
8 Earlier we talked about antimatter — particles which have all their physical characteristics opposite to those displayed by particles of matter .
9 10 Send pictures only to those editors who you are sure will want to print them .
10 Besides the ordinary shops accessible to anyone — selling subsidized goods but often with bare shelves — are the ‘ commercial ’ shops only for those who can afford it .
11 The results were compared 12 ( range three to 24 ) months later with those of 18 matched patients who were less than 50 years of age ( median 34 years ) .
12 Thanks also to those people who enjoyed this way of raising money , please pass the message on to the many class members who took part .
13 Thanks also to those people who enjoyed this way of raising money , please pass the message on to the many class members who took part .
14 Many thanks to Pamela Vandyke Price for giving us such a memorable glimpse into the highly specialised world of the wine trade — and thanks also to those husbands and sons who allowed themselves to be pressganged into the responsible task of pouring the samples !
15 In order to reduce the supervisory role of the Bank itself , it intended to recruit marketmakers solely from those firms and institutions who were already members of the International Stock Exchange ( and therefore subject to the regulatory framework of the ISE ) .
16 Japan now exercised sufficient influence in China to secure similar concessions and privileges there to those offered the powerful nations of the West .
17 Among other beneficiaries apart from those mentioned have been Africa , Ethiopia , Mozambique , Nicaragua , Romania and the Kurd refugees .
18 Aside from its last-minute agreement with Unix System Labs ( see front ) , SCO was strengthening some other key relationships in preparation for the highly-competitive months ahead for those in the operating system software business .
19 In the case of computer-assisted learning , pupils who engaged in tasks only when directed to do so by their teacher and limited their responses only to those specifically indicated by the teacher would be functioning at this level .
20 Alternatively , they are matters together with those specifically mentioned below which would influence me against granting an injunction .
21 It mattered not that after weeks of interviews with 35 Palestinian families in Lebanon , I chose to write about the experiences only of those who had no immediate connection with the Palestinian guerrilla movement .
22 Brinson could cope with the work only because he was at the Foundation , where people could see him , which had concerns close to those of the CNAA , and which allowed him time to take part .
23 This applies to obligations both to those trading with the firm ( creditors , bankers and so on ) and to those within it ( partners and staff ) .
24 It should also be noted that the obligation to support and maintain just institutions is likely to entail duties far above those of obedience to some laws .
25 And this was provided , by revolutionary action in England in the seventeenth century , in America in the eighteenth , in France in the eighteenth and nineteenth , and by a variety of methods in most other Western countries sometime within those centuries .
26 So in other words it 's about an introduction an expansion and an end Now as I 've said tomorrow I 'll fill in a bit more detail on those so if you leave some some gaps there between those three sections .
27 Prayers too for those who were lost ; the fire tender Massie Shaw , paying her own tribute .
28 Though Rivers gave some slight encouragement to Eliot in suggesting that even in our own society , religious changes have unforeseen and far-reaching effects parallel to those caused by the abolition of head-hunting in Melanesia , Eliot 's linking of ‘ cannibal isle ’ and that ‘ slick place ’ London goes directly against the main thrust of the book which stresses ‘ the almost immeasurable difference between Melanesian and European cultures , and the sharpness of the line which still divides them where they come in contact ’ .
29 Not all cases , then , limited the jurists to advancing interpretations of trusts parallel to those of legacies , since trusts were not bound by all civil-law constraints .
30 They encroached upon him very early , leading to imaginative experiences very like those wild and rumbustious scenes he describes in his first novel .
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