Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Let us now turn to one of the definitions most favoured in the literature , albeit mostly in an implicit form .
2 For decades during the twentieth century it was heresy to give any credit to the ideas of Alfred Wegener ( 1880–1930 ) , and others before him , that the continents slowly moved in different directions over the surface of the globe .
3 It might finally be observed that in its short life , Article 100A , which derogates from Article 100 by allowing the Council to act by qualified majority in co-operation with the European Parliament in order to complete the internal market , has already been used to anticipate new competences expressly recognized in the Maastricht amendments : two of these relate to the encouragement of ‘ trans-European networks ’ and measures in the sphere of energy , yet Article 100A had already been used to enact Council Directive 90/547 on the transit of electricity through transmission grids and Council Directive 91/287 on the transit of natural gas through grids .
4 April 1945 ; British and Commonwealth troops , having rescued Venice continued to arrive at Trieste by the beginning of May , meeting the Yugoslav troops of Tito , in the hills above that City , and fighting against the Germans effectively ceased in Italy .
5 The gradual extension of the state 's role in crime control certainly affected some sorts of crime , particularly property crime , but government institutions rarely worked in the ways intended by higher officials .
6 A good pastel by Francesco Clemente ( lot 165 , est. £10,000–15,000 ) fetched £17,000 , two important paintings by Christopher Lebrun attracted keen interest , ‘ Marcus Curtius ’ ( lot 167 , est. £14,000–18,000 ) being purchased by private dealer , Desmond Page , and sales at admittedly low prices , were made for works by Donald Baechler ( lot 168 ) , Kenny Scharf ( lot 177 ) , Matt Mullican ( lots 185 and 186 ) and other New York artists rarely seen in London .
7 Northern Sakhalin was not evacuated until 1925 , when a series of sticky negotiations between Japan and various Soviet authorities eventually culminated in recognition of the USSR and the restoration of diplomatic relations .
8 The woods most used in construction were elm and ash , both very hard and durable .
9 I make it my business to acquaint myself with where objects properly belong in a house .
10 The programme , which Gorbachev was to present to the G-7 summit in London , was said to combine elements of the rival plans widely canvassed in June [ see p. 38272 ] , i.e. the official " anti-crisis " programme of Prime Minister Pavlov , and the radical " grand bargain " proposals of economist Grigory Yavlinsky .
11 Percentages are based on a total of 46,652 solicitors altogether working in private practice .
12 Projects rarely develop in a totally predictable fashion and thus require close and detailed control both during the implementation phase and after they are fully operational .
13 But though the patchwork of random entities slowly yielded in places to more solid blocks , nevertheless between them many separate customs survived .
14 TeleOrdering users will also find titles wrongly designated in their next morning answerbacks , although orders will still be routed to Penguin .
15 Part II of the Act extends and modernises the system of controls on processions and meetings hitherto found in the Public Order Act 1936 and miscellaneous pieces of local legislation .
16 While Noah used to make his animals do dog-paddles behind the boat for as long as two hours to build up their stamina , modern-day swimming coaches apparently believe in relatively short intensive sessions .
17 This suggests that a high degree of practice of a specific task in the situation where it is needed can lead to success , but whether such skills so acquired in one situation are transferable to others is a contentious point .
18 The eye-witness accounts of what happened in those few minutes naturally vary in many details , but one of the most reliable descriptions of the actual eruption of the cloud was that of Monsieur Roger Arnoux , a member of the Astronomical Society of France , who was observing from a vantage point well above and away from the town .
19 However , it is clear that some collocations only exist in particular inflected forms [ Schuetze , forthcoming ] .
20 He was probably the most able lawyer among the benchers described by Lamb , and appeared in some important commercial cases long cited in later textbooks for the points they settle .
21 It seems all the more of a waste if those long , cold hours only result in stale fish .
22 If a mutant batch of tadpoles with cannibalistic tendencies suddenly arose in a spadefoot population , they would tend to survive much better on those occasions when the pond was quickly drying out .
23 Triadic harmony , which may have originated in oral practice ( improvised parallel singing ) , was for good reasons highly developed in notated music but remains fundamental to most recorded music .
24 Roads much traversed in the Civil War or in the invasion of Poland , like those of Belorussia , deteriorated from use by military vehicles .
25 Therefore we can assume that there are 3 minor pentatonic scales all found in the key of G Major : ie. A , B and E minor pentatonics .
26 In Wiltshire , after the declaration of the Forest bounds at the Salisbury Forest Eyre in 1330 , scattered areas of demesne lands and woods alone remained in the forest : Savernake was reduced from an estimated ninety-eight square miles to a mere thirteen , and by 1331 the forest of Chute in that county had been ‘ almost disafforested ’ .
27 If ‘ The Hollow Men ’ traces the degeneration of ritual to a final babyish ‘ whimper ’ , then Sweeney Agonistes attempts to reconstruct the most basic rituals only to end in a bang .
28 When painting Cornish scenes Minton had been aware of the precedent set by Christopher Wood and The Times rightly saw in The Harbour an attempt to translate a Christopher Wood theme ‘ into the tragic idiom of modern painters ’ .
29 In a war , however , the two considerations arguably tug in opposite directions .
30 The neutrons thereby produced in turn produced 14 C by interaction with 14 N. This simulated natural cosmogenic production , albeit in large bursts , and roughly doubled the atmospheric 14 C content as measured in about 1965 .
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