Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Two cultures rarely understand each other , especially when one is waxing dominant .
2 Liquids much above 30 per cent tend to be unstable , unless alcohol or urea is included , which adds to the expense so liquid products rarely exceed this level .
3 While such inducements presumably have some positive effect , later discussion will note that management control over their terms casts doubt on the extent to which they secure an identity of interests with shareholders , and the danger that they create pressures for short-term increases in accounting profits or merely permit management to extract an increased proportion of company revenues .
4 ‘ The purchaser hereby covenants with the vendor by way of indemnity only that the purchaser and the persons deriving title under him will henceforth and at all times duly pay all rents becoming due under the lease and observe and perform all covenants agreements and conditions therein contained on the part of the tenant or persons deriving title under it to be observed and performed and also will at all times keep the vendor its successors in title and assigns effectively indemnified against all proceedings costs claims expenses and liabilities in respect thereof .
5 The ratio fell substantially after that , and by 1986 direct taxes only provided some 10% more revenue than taxes on expenditure .
6 We already know that the building of new roads only generates more traffic , and that congestion rapidly returns to its former levels .
7 Exact equivalents between UK qualifications and overseas qualifications can rarely be given , but the notes below give some idea of the recognition granted to some qualifications .
8 In fastening the strips together to construct any model , choice has to be made of the correct size of nut and bolt involving both sorting , matching and then screwing .
9 So obvious are these vertical shafts and so compelling an attraction that it is usual on a fine day to find a line of cars parked along the roadside and people of all ages timidly visiting each one to peer into the depths .
10 The products alone cost many millions , to which the cost of professionals ' time should be added .
11 It is consequently difficult to describe in a brief space , and the following account attempts only to indicate some basic features of government finance between 1471 and about 1534 .
12 Gangs of the energy clans jealously guarded those ports which gave access to power stations and thus to the heat sink .
13 Lynn Stewart , the teacher and software ‘ expert ’ , and Toni Michael , the computer writer , have got their heads and talents together to write this small ( yes are n't computer books getting bigger and bigger these days ) booklet for parents .
14 But the beauty and the loving care with which many a smaller city had been built and adorned in the early days of the Greek cities is a vital element in the history of the Greek city , obscurely pointing to a time , not of peace — for in Greece the lion never lay down with the lamb , and neighbouring cities constantly fought each other — but of more equal prosperity .
15 Employers naturally represented such actions as " unjustified " rather than admit to their remedial nature .
16 But modern bourgeois suburbia is colourful , tacky , vulgar , and these groups only mimic this different kind of banality .
17 The brief list of writing-in-role activities below indicates some further avenues you might want to explore ; many are suitable for children who have not yet learnt to read and write , providing that , as a teacher , you wish to encourage emergent writing .
18 Official figures are not available on the number of pickets injured , but there were at least a couple of fatalities and it is the opinion of some observers that , in the major conflicts of the dispute , casualties amongst the pickets greatly exceeded those of the police ( Wallington , 1985 : 149 ) .
19 Perched uncomfortably on the high stool , he pressed his ankles together to prevent any movement of his dangling legs .
20 Therefore , in campaigns a party attempts less to attract these voters than to ensure that they are not repelled by what the party advocates .
21 The proposals sensibly resist any temptation to over-egg an already rich international pudding by staging more one-day internationals than are presently staged in England .
22 It is for the courts alone to construe such legislation .
23 In an earlier example it was shown that a large proportion of requests only require some attributes to be present or absent .
24 Well I had the the twenty one and thirteen in the two groups so subtract those two and have twice the amount of X I thought I would have .
25 In practice , of course , a large number of these relationships rarely involve more than a few people .
26 It saw journalists verbally attacking each other and Labour 's press secretary making her own emotional public statement .
27 The government and its supporters eventually accepted this but then insisted on a 75 per cent majority applying to regional issues , including the country 's future status as a unitary or a federal state .
28 James Molyneaux and the Rev Ian Paisley have already set this deadline for the resumption of talks and even as their two parties vigorously fought each other in several constituencies , joint working groups were in session drawing up vital working papers for the forthcoming negotiations .
29 His successors eventually lost all authority , even in the town , and survived merely as puppets in the hands of ruthless , ambitious nobles who fought to overthrow their rivals and to gain control of the disintegrating kingdom .
30 ‘ Full success ’ refers to the number of individual modules for which candidates successfully achieved all learning outcomes .
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