Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If some principles can be agreed I will be looking to introduce this concept into other potential projects I have in mind .
2 After days of begging from supporters I have at last compiled a comprehensive A-Z of football , Athletico style .
3 And the risks you have in mind will not exist there .
4 You will find that the more confident you become , the more you will be able to enjoy the different relationships you have with those around you — and the happier you will be .
5 As with all small units you have to be wary of war machines and magic .
6 The sad truth is to tackle these subjects you have to be more than just willing , you have to be shite-hot .
7 To qualify for travel concessions you have to be 60 and will have to give proof by showing your pension book or a special card .
8 Forget all the images you have of little plastic boxes and bored housewives .
9 To create illusions you have to be careful about the details .
10 When the stumps only come up to your knees you have to be larger than life .
11 The skills of salesmanship and political demagogy are virtually the only methods we have for changing perception .
12 Human life is gregarious , the quality of our lives depending to no small degree upon the relationships we have with other people .
13 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
14 The pictures we have of people act as assumptions .
15 These , then , are some of the symbolic inklings we have of eternity , and of our divinely-destined path of happiness .
16 ‘ We have a clear groupwide strategy to establish a sound financial business with the capacity for future investment in the many exploration and development opportunities we have around the world .
17 This is seen to give rise to a culture of teaching as teachers collectively evolve sets of attitudes and responses to their tasks , the content of what they teach and the relationships they have with their colleagues .
18 The commonality between two definitions can be measured by counting the number of words they have in common .
19 A good place to start is to record the experiences you have in group activities .
20 This means the number of net-armed and club-armed models you have in your front rank is crucial .
21 After all , you do not have to look at your feet to know what shoes you have on .
22 Against Elves you have to be careful of the fear rule , as Goblins fear units of Elves they do n't outnumber two to one .
23 I have to tell you that you must also fulfil the other obligations you have to your people if you are to remain in this kingdom .
24 Are you prepared in the light of God 's desire for your wholeness to let go of whatever negative emotions you have towards them ?
25 The manual is not only one of the most interesting documents to come out of the Sultanate , it is also one of the most precious keys we have to the concerns that meant most to the war-obsessed amirs of Tughluk Delhi .
26 The post-Comintern Communist Movement , the Socialist International , international Fascist organizations , and the Green movement ( about which more will be said below ) provide the only models we have for such organizations , and none of these can be currently regarded as successful in global terms .
27 Ken , if we could er look at what 's actually happening out there to pensioners at the moment , I think of which we 're all very concerned , but there has been a small item of good news to balance against the concerns we have for those pensioners that are still suffering from uncertainty and that is some money has started to come in as a result of legal actions and settlements out of court .
28 Fortunately , Karajan 's career is so well documented , officially and unofficially , on gramophone recordings , it is possible to check for oneself whether the performances tally with some of the more outlandish descriptions we have of them .
29 Dr Nancy Harrison , RSPB marine policy officer , said : ‘ Any information about the use of gill nets and the effects they have on marine life , will help us to understand the true extent and nature of the problem , and to identify any trouble spots . ’
30 But I 'm worried about the effects they have on society , because a high proportion of them are emotional messes whose principal driving emotion is envy .
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