Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun pl] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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31 He was stressing the importance of better employment rights , a bigger say for the trades unions and the need for more recruits .
32 Picton-Howell had worked hard for the project since the early days , and had kept her old job as London office administrator on Equal Opportunities grounds that the post should not be put out to competitive interview after capitalization .
33 It was in the specific field of telecommunications satellites that the American space industry first perceived a serious European competitive threat .
34 So effective was our penetration into Olympia that despite repeated attempts , Mosley was unable to make his speech because of the noise and the fighting between his stewards supporters and the anti-Fascists .
35 Altered schedules may cause confusion for EastEnders enthusiasts but the fans ( see mostly men ) will usually get their own way ( see boredom , remote control , zapping , injuries ) .
36 It is pitched primarily at telecommunications companies and the medical market .
37 But having prepared the tank to ensure the best possible water quality and filters that have a head start , the maximum stock to begin with is two fish ( though arguably this could mean two 3″ Barbs or a shoal of six 1″ Tetras .
38 This must be one of the greatest afflictions parents or a marriage partner may be called upon to endure .
39 Transactions costs and the free-rider problem may prevent implicit markets being established .
40 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
41 On the same day , work began on reconstructing and rebuilding telecommunications buildings and the following day a campaign was launched to repair damaged roads and bridges .
42 any part of the Buildings its walls and ceilings coverings and the like ;
43 Conditions included further reduction of the budget and balance-of-payments deficits and the rebuilding of foreign exchange reserves .
44 Bodies that have particular input to and effect on issues of European spectrum management include the European Commission , which is taking an increasingly active interest in telecommunications and has identified two major tasks ahead for member states : the liberalisation of telecommunications services and the separation of regulatory and operational functions .
45 Formal incomes policies and the ‘ social contract ’ approach were hardly politically credible after the 1979 winter 's disruption , and many features of the trade unions were as unpopular as ever ( such as the closed shop , unofficial strikes , close relations with the Labour party , and mass picketing ) .
46 The Tropical Plants experts as the team was to be called were all seen tending the plants throughout the shopping centre .
47 Their policies drew little disapproval from sports authorities or the rest of the white population .
48 Worcester 's MP says he knows his constituents views and the referendum is a waste of time .
49 If I did take the twins away all summer then Masquerade would be taken to a boatyard in Florida , so I now signed the necessary customs forms and the insurance waiver and the dozen other pieces of paper that would be needed to keep the United States government and the delivery company happy .
50 The ‘ live ’ broadcasts with guests speakers and an invited audience will be transmitted from the Middlesbrough studios between 7.30pm and 8.30pm on the following Thursday evenings : on 95 FM ( 95.8FM on the Whitby transmitter ) .
51 Indeed , the appointment of customs commissioners and the various patent officers at the head of the establishment , such as comptroller-general , receiver-general , secretary and solicitor , were themselves items of crown patronage of the most valuable kind .
52 The latter was to be achieved through the abolition of internal customs duties and the introduction of a joint external tariff on all imports into the three countries , and the unification of excise and other tax rates .
53 The demand followed demonstrations at Narva protesting against Estonia 's refusal to grant free economic status to the area , and the reimposition of customs posts after the Narva town soviet had abolished them .
54 The North West Airlines planes and the cargo trucks were empty and nobody was hurt .
55 Sparc International will promote the breakthrough with a $2m advertising and public relations campaign supplemented by direct mail , applications catalogues and a user-accessible on-line database .
56 Externalisation or blaming — admitting that there are problems but saying that the causes are due to pressures at work or unemployment or due to social , financial or other stresses or due to doctors or " pushers " or due to the inadequacy of the police , customs officials or the Government .
57 Financed by customs revenues and the National Bank , the budget would solely finance the administration and the army .
58 and reached the individuals finals whilst a team with , and performed well in the fours .
59 The addressing system remains the same , but the statistical profile of location contents changes as the centuries go by .
60 The strike affects not just tax and customs officers but every branch of the state 's financial service .
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