Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] how that " in BNC.

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1 However , its location and release of new energies within a literary text are based on discoveries of how that text negotiated its own culture .
2 Any investigations into the suitability of rock formations are , they say , based on assumptions of how that ground will behave now , and do not take into account the possibility of climatic changes , earthquake activity or even human intervention in years to come .
3 I think what 's very striking about the report which the students ' union have recently published and are circulating around the university , is the extent to which they have tended to define sexual harassment as being as much or at least as much a problem between students , a problem of behaviour between students and a problem of the sort of atmosphere in the colleges in terms of how that affects how peoples lives feel and and how they are how their behaviour what sort of behaviour is acceptable .
4 Arrive at joint decisions on how that care is to be delivered to individuals ?
5 The recommendations in paragraph ten er ask you to approve the capital programme and the revenue budget and the staffing for the committee and that , that 's the increase of the one post I mean I referred to you earlier and if the committee approves this budget , will put forward to the Policy and Resources Committee on the thirty first of January which will consolidate the budgets for all the er services and make final decisions on how that 's to be and reset for the next .
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