Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Free Presbyterians would differ from other Protestants in their attitude to the above reasons for unionism only in taking them more seriously .
2 The Down 's syndrome register should consider classifying reasons for referral more precisely .
3 While the law has not yet been enforced , individuals offering counterfeit Indian objects for sale now face fines of $250,000 and prison terms for first offences .
4 Can the family deal with conflicts about colour within and without the family ?
5 Three reasons may be advanced for labelling these cases as manslaughter rather than murder .
6 Helping parents in this way is an attempt to provide them with child-management skills for life so that they can generate solutions to many of the problems they face without reference to professionals at all .
7 Several wartime reconstruction working parties in the Ministry had outlined plans for reorganisation very similar to those adopted by the Labour Government .
8 Many of the orders were based on over-optimistic plans for expansion rather than the replacement of existing aircraft .
9 Plans for Festival well under way , she said .
10 Indeed recent surveys by the National Foundation for Educational Research have revealed that there is often a great deal of confusion in pupils ' minds , particularly as so many educational programmes for history now employ dramatic reconstruction .
11 However , such a procedure is not always suitable for explanatory research since , in this case , the aim is to achieve sufficient cases for analysis rather than a representative sample of some population .
12 WHEREAS the Proprietor has prepared scripts for publication provisionally entitled Concordia Multi-media Package comprising those items listed in Schedule I ( hereinafter called ‘ the Work ’ )
13 WHEREAS and of ( ‘ the Authors ’ ) have prepared scripts for publication provisionally entitled Grapevine Video Level II and Grapevine Activity Book II ( together ‘ the Work ’ ) and
14 He was also one prime source of the notion that has counted for so much among those with misgivings about democracy ever since : that of the tyranny of the majority .
15 Anybody got any preferences for dinner tonight ?
16 a body of experience in the submission of advanced course proposals for validation now exists , and is being eagerly tapped by staff from other departments who are now preparing Phase 2 submissions .
17 Although some lip-service is now being paid to the concept of rehabilitation within prisons , there was little evidence of serious efforts to prepare prisoners for life outside .
18 We have had requests for coverage already from the United Press International .
19 The Immigration and Nationality Department of the Home Office has asked through the Scottish Education Department that we write to all governing bodies in Scotland reminding them of the difficulties created by urgent requests for naturalisation shortly before international sporting events .
20 In addition the government intended to strengthen and toughen measures to deal with new immigration by trebling the annual budget of the Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides ( OFPRA ) and of the appeals commission , in order to process requests for asylum much more quickly and to deal effectively with those rejected .
21 The death of Gay News provoked a considerable growth in out-of-London calls for information no longer available in that magazine 's supplement , while at the same time making it far more difficult for us to obtain the information the callers needed and throwing an internal emphasis on that side of our work .
22 Contracts for sale etc. or land to be made by signed writing 2. ( 1 ) A contract for the sale or other disposition of an interest in land can only be made in writing and only by incorporating all the terms which the parties have expressly agreed in one document or , where contracts are exchanged , in each .
23 The fall in serum pepsinogen C during combined therapy ( 20 ( 3 ) µg/l ) was also significant ( p<0.01 ) , when compared with values during omeprazole alone ( 37 ( 9 ) µg/l ) , but the result on the day after stopping failed to reach statistical significance ( 26 ( 8 ) v 34 ( 9 ) µg/l ) .
24 Our suggested strategies for improvement obviously have a price tag but such support may well seem desirable given the current consensus in education and government in favour of widening access , particularly for less advantaged groups .
25 Much of the debate has related to reducing waiting times for surgery rather than for outpatient appointments .
26 For too long we have allowed ourselves to become bogged down in interminable discussions about organisation both within the classroom and outside it .
27 Such an arrangement , if introduced , will not only simplify the grant system but should also be more neutral in effect ( by neither penalizing nor rewarding authorities for expenditure above or below GREA — see Wilson , 1986 , p. 52 ) .
28 encourage organic farming as a way to reduce massive European surpluses through Set Aside and Beef Extensification schemes .
29 ‘ One Saturday we were kept waiting for TWO MINUTES for Science Now on Radio 4 which then ran its full 30 minutes .
30 Safety helmets : Strong rigid plastic hats for use anywhere there is a danger of overhead items falling .
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