Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun prp] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Branson 's views about England were more platitudinous than revolutionary ; England , he would say , is ‘ a great place to live in , but as a great place it should carry on standing totally for democracy and people should have the absolute freedom to say what they think ’ .
2 The Arkansas governor has told reporters : ‘ My first views about England were forged at Oxford .
3 There are ‘ cultural ’ reasons for England 's falling-behind .
4 On 13 November Colonel Durand learned from Wade that he was not coming to the relief of Carlisle since the roads through Yorkshire were inadequate for his artillery .
5 Plans for Tenby are still open .
6 In the little time that remained , plans for Germany were made , and no doubt farewell visits took the three friends by now-familiar routes to the beach at Kilve , to Holford Combe and Hodder 's Combe , and far into the hills .
7 Richet 's plans for Montpellier are more advanced .
8 During February the Libyan government said that it would supply food , medicines and blankets to Iraq [ see also above ] and blood donation programmes for Iraq were oversubscribed in Morocco and Tunisia .
9 The dangers for Indonesia are further reductions in the OPEC oil quota and swiftly rising domestic consumption — increasing at some 10% per year .
10 The rival proposals for Stratford are totally unacceptable .
11 His first proposals for Hagley were Gothic , while other projects included some designs for Arbury Hall , Warwickshire ( c .1750–2 ) , one of the best Gothic houses of the mid-eighteenth century , and his well-known work at Lacock Abbey , Wiltshire ( 1754–5 ) ; but his most characteristic products were his half-ruined mock castles — at Hagley ( 1747–8 ) , Wimpole Hall , Cambridgeshire ( designed 1749–51 , built 1772 ) , and Ingestre Hall , Staffordshire ( c .1750 , demolished ) — which , developing the theme of the Radway tower , constituted pictorial embodiments of historical memory .
12 ‘ The Colpoy 's Commission of 1805 reported that the woods about Keswick were in excellent order and managed with great care and attention . ’ '
13 Nevertheless , Cypress is sending out semaphores about ICL being interested in HyperSparc , but more interestingly it seems Meiko Scientific Ltd , the UK , Bristol-based manufacturer of Intel Corp 80860 , Inmos Transputer and Sparc-based multiple instruction multiple data ( MIMD ) parallel systems will likely move to incorporate HyperSparc in the summer .
14 The only blots for Pears were two drops at goal that flew wide .
15 Other scorers for Kelso were Kevin Hendry , Stewart Lang , Adam Roxburgh , Neil Heseltine , Stewart Bennet , Bryan Cassie and Graham Aitchison , who also slotted seven of the nine touchdowns .
16 Scorers for Norton were Robson and Finney .
17 Top scorers for Tyrone were Nicola Arbuckle with 23 and Denise McCauley 17 .
18 Scorers for Timberland were Mike Travers , Ian Cain , Mark Scorey and Dave Evans-Turner who notched up his first ever goal .
19 Scorers for Norway were Flo ( Sheff Utd ) with a tap-in from a corner-kick , Fjortoft with his special right-left move alone with the keeper form a back-flick header from Flo and finally Johnsen ( from Lyn , Oslo a team Leeds beat 10–0 way back then in the european cup ) with a header from a corner kick .
20 It would be difficult to think of God as anything other than ‘ Father ’ and ‘ Son ’ when the biblical metaphors for God are male , and Jesus was a male human being .
21 Arrhythmias occurring more than 48 hours after MI are associated with a very high risk , 50–80% mortality in the first year .
22 The story of commercial co-option is familiar in pop history but the terms in which the story is told change , and Paul Morley 's words about Frankie were thus more important than Frankie themselves .
23 Parties for Weber were groups organised to attract and wield power — not just political parties , but trade unions , professional associations and other interest and pressure groups .
24 One of the attractions for Levin is the persistency with which Debord , like the Dadaists before him , continued to explore the medium , whilst contributing to its eventual destruction .
25 Early entries about Modigliani are all written in this playful , slightly sardonic tone .
26 ‘ Not all spies for Germany are German , ’ pontificated Sir Thomas .
27 Thus the imperatives for Europe are and will remain , to lower oil dependence , to achieve a better balanced diversity of supplies , to make the most of indigenous supplies where they are economical and to continue the drive to greater energy efficiency .
28 The goals for Enfield were :
29 By October , the waves off Cornwall are usually reaching their best and , as the ‘ escalids ’ disappear , paddling off on their stomachs , the ‘ real ’ surfers can begin to ride the biggest waves of the year .
30 The Labour Party Conference : Victory for Kinnock as demands for PR are firmly rejected
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