Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Support services visitors ranging from educational psychologists to peripatetic music teachers develop insights into your school and often unofficially share their views about you throughout the LEA .
2 It seems odd , in retrospect , to see governments delegating so passively their most important educational function , but there were two main reasons for it at the time .
3 Finally she made her choice and gave the reasons for it with the confidence she always brought to her work .
4 And I think you know that , that if th that we have got the skills between us to actually tackle some issues locally
5 A constitutional amendment first proposed in 1789 , designed to prohibit a Congress from voting pay rises for itself while in session , finally achieved during May the approval of enough states for it to be incorporated in the Constitution .
6 The School Government Regulations even allow the governors to decide that any matter ‘ by reason of its nature ’ should be treated as confidential and so exclude papers and minutes about it from public scrutiny .
7 Archie usually performed as a combative left-half for the Palace , but he was also occasionally drafted into the front line , to play as a makeshift centre-forward to most useful effect , because his considerable height gave him a distinct advantage in that department and he scored on his first two outings for us in the number nine shirt .
8 He was an astute purchase , for he came to us as a proven goalscorer and immediately lived up to his reputation by netting upon his debut against Millwall here at Selhurst Park ( 5–0 ) and going on to hit 19 League goals from 27 outings for us in the remainder of that season .
9 Now , you 've run a few errands for me since then , without enquiring too closely about their nature .
10 However , there are several Mira variables which can be found with binoculars when near maximum , and can even show some colour ; I have given notes about them in the pages which follow , but it is rather pointless to go into detail , because long-period variables are the province of the telescopic observer , and estimates made with binoculars are inevitably rough .
11 She brings her notes about it to the meeting and reads them out .
12 After all , I had ‘ covered ’ the Boys ' Parliament sessions and other church activities for him on a free lance basis , and I was sure he knew I was determined to take up journalism as a full-time and life-long career .
13 You 're going to have the job of changing the ice-packs for me through the night , are n't you ? ’
14 750,000 copies of this booklet have been produced and we will try to get copies for you for the next Q.T. Day .
15 Was he really so unbelievably sure of his charms that he thought he had only to indicate his wishes for them to be fulfilled ?
16 We 've got future plans for him like getting him up on his feet and walk short distances with full-length calipers
17 Kaleida will initially be housed at Apple 's headquarters , but there are plans for it to be relocated to Silicon Valley later in the year .
18 There are no spare frequencies for it between bands B , C and D. Unofficially it is expected that when finally allocated , Band A will coincide with Band D ( 40–90 kHz ) .
19 He would send notices of the book to his old school magazine and quietly pin up adverts for it in all the gentlemen 's clubs in London .
20 He told his audience at the French Academy of Political and Moral Sciences : ‘ One of the joys for me of being in France is that you have a particularly strong sense of the ultimate cost to the human spirit of unrelenting migration from the countryside to the big cities . ’
21 This means giving them assistance in their cases , and even ( with the client 's consent ) taking cases for them in court if owing to some clash of appointments they find themselves unable to appear .
22 When the switch is closed , the full available current flows through it to the load but again no power is dissipated in the switch since the voltage across it is zero .
23 The lines of his short-cropped ruthless hair were disturbed , as though he had forgotten to comb it that morning or else , having combed , had continually run his fingers through it since then .
24 She ran her fingers through it in exasperation .
25 There would be programmes about him on the television .
26 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
27 Take this one , for example ; walking along the canal towpath at this late hour of the night , as if it was the park on a pleasant Sunday afternoon and life held no dangers for him at all .
28 This boy is clearly highly disturbed and there are dangers for him in either of the options which were open to the justices to make the order or to refuse it .
29 Too much momentum had gathered behind several of the major reform proposals for them to be abandoned , but the final legislation reflected the government 's intense concern that the new freedom should be carefully circumscribed .
30 The proposals for it by the UDC 's consultants are not for retail use , but they are ‘ consumption- ’ rather than production-orientated .
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