Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 They headed south-east from the city , the Ferrari moving as fast as the wind , following the ‘ Via Tuscolana ’ signs for Frascati where , Nicolo insisted , they would find the best white wine in the world .
2 Detinue has now been abolished but the remedies for conversion where goods are detained by the defendant are now found in section 3 of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 , which is modelled on the common law remedies available for detinue .
3 This statement should be issued with an application form to all applicants of both sexes in order that the same information is available to all potential candidates for jobs where mobility is required , or may be required on completion of training .
4 Other preparations recommended for minor burns include Nelson 's Burn Ointment and Pakua , a wonderful preparation which aids healing in all sorts of injuries where the skin is damaged .
5 Very anxious to promote the Wales in Europe scheme because it 's been very important to us , including the links that er we have been able to build up with other regions of Europe in Catalonia , , Lombardy and Battenberkaburg above all er which our our sort of strong erm er neighbours which can teach us a lot about industry and these are the areas that we will want to link up with by having this extra seat in the European parliament , er and obviously I mean there are sorts of areas where we have some sympathy with the occasional point that is made by the anti-Europe speakers on the other side .
6 ‘ new Invention of Raiseing of Water and occasioning Motion to all sorts of Mill Work by the Impellent Force of Fire , which will be of great Use and Advantage for Drayning Mines , Serveing Towns with water , and for the working of all Sorts of Mills where they have not the benefit of Water nor Constant Windes ’ .
7 Regardless of whether it is a tithe or an offering over and above , it is good to analyse the sorts of places where we ought to be giving God 's money .
8 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
9 The house alone had been like a dream come true after the two-bedroomed flat on the outskirts of Stirling where she and her mother had lived in near penury for the past seven years since Shiona 's father 's death .
10 Officers have been combing scrubland and bracken on the outskirts of Bicester where the revolver was found , looking for other weapons , baseball bats used in the attack .
11 Sometimes , on Sundays and other holidays , the squadron marched in force , fully armed , through the city to join in some public ceremony or to some quinta on the outskirts of Funchal where dinner awaited them .
12 There was another significant , invariable factor — the phenomenal West Indies ' record on the unpretentious little ground on the outskirts of Bridgetown where they now swept to their eleventh consecutive victory in its 28 Tests .
13 Her window had been wide all night and as she got out of bed she looked down on the dusty heads of trees where sparrows were fussing .
14 Significantly the dream of an Imperial organic entity perished on the very battlefields of Flanders where the self-governing Dominions did apparently fight ‘ for their common interests ’ :
15 Led by John Mason they visited , among other places , New York , Washington , Niagara , Chicago , the Mammoth Caves of Kentucky and , rather gruesomely , the recently deserted battlefields of Virginia where they saw ‘ skulls , arms and legs all bleaching in the sun ’ .
16 The Arab houses are little more than shacks separated by acres of devastation where developers have torn down vacated Palestinian homes .
17 It 's possible to formulate theories of very simple aspects of physics where the laws or the strengths of different forces , say like gravity , actually change from place to place and make predictions as to what the observable consequences should be , erm and to a very degree of accuracy one concludes that the strengths of the forces of nature and the laws and the rules of the game are not changing from place to place .
18 As with other aspects of copyright where clients and commercial organisations are concerned you should always set down clearly in writing the agreed terms and conditions .
19 For example , erm , in erm , paranoia , delusions of persecution where people believe that is plotting against them , and no matter what you do , erm , you know if you said well look , we can prove to you we are not plotting against you , the paranoic says to you , why do you want to prove this to me , if it 's not true , you know .
20 Athelstan made his way north to the Elms near Newgate where a great three-branched scaffold stood stark against the sky ; each bore its grisly burden , a corpse swinging by its neck , head askew , hands and feet securely tied .
21 Ever dug up a bed of apparently flourishing potatoes , only to find the tubers riddles with holes where the slugs have been at them ?
22 Although many Sinhalese were employed on rubber estates , there were local influxes of Indian Tamils into districts where rubber was established .
23 As her knowledge of European art history increased and now that she had found the Musée des Beaux Arts in Paris where she felt comfortable and was treated with respect , her talent for recognizing saleable patterns , ripe for rediscovery , flourished .
24 Because the actual physical damage was so variable in its extent , it was immediately obvious to the early investigators that the almost total mortality was not solely the result of the force of the blast , since there would have been at least a few survivors in areas where the blast was less severe .
25 This follows reports that foreign companies are using dangerous pesticides in places where safety precautions are impossible , and that other companies are still promoting drugs that are banned or controlled in Europe and the US .
26 Mr Solarz 's Brooklyn district is one of the few districts in America where Jewish voters form the majority .
27 The effect of this was that Central Office , for all its generosity , did not have much control over the selection of candidates in places where the man selected might actually win , and this did not change much before 1914 .
28 There are probably more of them quietly getting on with it than is apparent , though they may not call themselves ‘ spiritual directors ’ — clergy , religious , lay people , tutors in jobs where Christian formation is important .
29 However , the arguments which underlie the concept of justiciability can also be used to support the idea that in reviewing government decisions over which the courts are prepared to exercise control , they should only award remedies to aggrieved parties in cases where it can be said that the respondent has gone wrong in some fairly extreme way .
30 The young man from the Voice had met Seldes in Canada where , curiously ahead of his time , he was lecturing on television .
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