Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] between " in BNC.

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1 But it failed comprehensively to push through various plans for mergers between the assemblers .
2 The similarity between signs can thus be accounted for by historical links , borrowing of signs through contact between signers , or cultural universal propensities to label concepts in particular ways .
3 For example , in May 1974 the Protestant Ulster Workers ' Council called a successful strike in protest at the Sunningdale proposals for power-sharing between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland .
4 On Jan. 26 Iraq agreed to unblock payments owed to Italian companies working in Iraq , and Ruggiero said that contracts worth $500,000,000 between the countries were " virtually already signed " .
5 However , despite the repeated calls for co-operation between the different interests , nothing could be done to allay the criticisms of certain members of the Board of Education , sections of the educational press , notably the School Government Chronicle ( organ of the LEAs ) , and several local Directors of Education .
6 The main means provided to DHAs to effect these changes are contracts for services between DHAs and suppliers ; reimbursement formulas based on resident populations ; resource management systems which align responsibility for incurring expenditure for its management more closely and provide information on costs of different activities ; and medical audit .
7 He is also one of a select band of Palace players who have also appeared in the County Cricket Championship , having done so 14 times for Hampshire between 1957 and 1962 .
8 This happens to be in Worcester College of Higher Education on the theme Cultures for Change between 11 and 13 September this year .
9 Comparison of the median serum amylase and lipase activities at baseline and eight and 24 hours after ERCP between the octreotide and placebo groups showed no significant differences .
10 The investigation considers the consequences of the guidelines for relations between the Home Office and Section Eleven authorities ; what changes have occurred in local policy and practice , and how the new guidelines have affected grant take-up and distribution .
11 Similar considerations would also be required when attempting to consider the competing demands for investment between government departments , such as between state education and the National Health Service or between public sector housing and defence .
12 Could my right hon. Friend make it clear that , during the passage of the Bill , he and his colleagues will have consultations with those who make representations to ensure that their worries about links between people with different claims and the causes of large-scale immigration are considered together ?
13 In many cases the threads of mycelium invade the plant roots and act in symbiosis as channels for nutrients between soil and plant .
14 Governor Dukakis tried a similar dramatic stunt in 1988 , holding midnight and early hour rallies for supporters between California and Boston on the last night of the campaign .
15 Each course should have three syllabuses of different ( but overlapping ) levels of difficulty to cater for pupils of different ability , with some limited opportunities for transfer between them .
16 Naturally , when Conservatives are in office , the opportunities for meetings between backbenchers and party leaders are more restricted .
17 Football had been a traditionally rowdy and sometimes violent game , but as a regulated spectator sport it provided novel opportunities for conflicts between the players , referees and fans , and there is a well documented history of pitch invasions , attacks on referees and players , and fighting between rival fans throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and into the new century .
18 The move towards the Single European Market only highlights this trend but it also presents both problems of conflict and opportunities for complementarity between the developing environmental policies of the EC and the envisaged growth in trade and erosion of trade barriers that the creation of the SEM involves .
19 Second , the political bargaining that accompanies the definition of state enterprise objectives provides opportunities for alliances between groups within the state and outside it .
20 One obvious way to reduce the risks of conflict between the powers was to encourage the formation of an ‘ ultra-imperialist ’ consortium of powers to open up new territories like China .
21 … while Men 's Heads are busied with the arts of money-jobbing between the Exchange and the Exchequer , they will be drawn off from the solid arts of honourable traffic ; which alone can prove nationally and permanently lucrative .
22 In between is the mulatto , the product of centuries of inter-marriage between the white and coloured races .
23 But by that time there had been two centuries of strife between Empire and Papacy and the Empire no longer had any special connection to the City of Rome .
24 In animals , there are two main methods of communication between different parts of the body .
25 Whether a translation conforms to the source-text patterns of cohesion or tries to approximate to target-language patterns will depend in the final analysis on the purpose of the translation and the amount of freedom the translator feels entitled to in rechunking information and/or altering signals of relations between chunks .
26 There were formal sessions of talks between Roh and Kaifu on May 24 and 26 at which they discussed bilateral issues — including the position of Koreans resident in Japan and the South Korean trade deficit with Japan — in addition to regional and international subjects .
27 Thus , despite several unscheduled sessions of talks between the two leaders , the only concessions offered by Gorbachev during the course of his visit were to acknowledge the nature of the dispute , to promise a reduction in the level of Soviet forces stationed in the territories — currently one 10,000-strong army division and 40 MiG-23 aircraft — and to allow visa-free travel between Japan and the disputed islands .
28 A prelude to 1811 – 12 had been played out in the woollen districts of Wiltshire between 1799 and 1802 .
29 A red flash ruddied the belly of a cloud ; the noise followed almost immediately , the roar of an explosion bouncing in decreasing waves of sound between the clouds and the ravines .
30 The close ties of kinship between the ruling houses of England and France overrode symptoms of incipient national sentiment at this time .
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