Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [verb] are " in BNC.

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1 Whether it 's the desire for a career in music , or the pursuit of greater musical understanding or technique , the reasons for enrolling are as varied as the nationalities of students now attending the Institute .
2 The reasons for moving are relevant .
3 Exhibitions and trade shows work well when they are carefully mounted and the reasons for attending are commercially sound .
4 In the UK , it is estimated that 1 in 4 people are overweight , grade 1 obesity , the major reasons for dieting are cosmetic and a sense of well-being .
5 While Mr Patiño may well be selling to simplify his life after he moves into his new London residence , Mrs Johnson 's reasons for selling are much more controversial , as it is generally believed that the heiress has not paid for the celebrated Badminton Cabinet which she bought at Christie 's , London , in July 1990 for a record £7.6 million ( $15.2 million ) .
6 What methods of randomizing are you aware of ?
7 But Joe and his methods of dealing are an exception rather than the norm in the arms-dealing world .
8 In the case of joint submissions a letter will be needed confirming that methods of resourcing are available and have been agreed between the two parties .
9 Songs and styles of singing are handed down from mother to daughter , unchanged over centuries or even millennia .
10 Those who can not write have less power than those who can : their acts of naming are restricted to those who will listen to them , those in the immediate locality .
11 Two common forms of costing are discussed together with the make-up of project and departmental budgets .
12 Two common forms of costing are discussed together with the make-up of project and departmental budgets .
13 However , since the rewards of believing are so high ( in fact infinite ) in proportion to the amount staked ( a finite life ) , the bet is worth having even when , in all likelihood , it will be lost .
14 I still believe that reforms in working practices and hours of sitting are essential to improve our ability to serve our constituents and our effectiveness as a legislature .
15 The strategies of splitting are essential for the infant 's attempt to deal with the genuine contradictions it encounters in struggling to form some image of itself and the part-objects it confronts .
16 The only side effects worth considering are the consequences for the rest of society , in particular those of us who have had our cars or homes broken into , or have had our hard-earned leisure time wrecked by noise , rubbish and other anti-social behaviour such as illegal ‘ festivals ’ and acid parties .
17 The exposure and developing of the etch-resist pattern in order to remove the unwanted areas of etch-resist are probably the most tricky aspects of making the board until you have some experience .
18 The origins of fingerspelling are rather difficult to trace , though there are better records than for signs .
19 The effects of sniffing are similar to being drunk on alcohol .
20 Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident .
21 Also , cooling can produce spectral shifts in emission wavelength , so although it may have potential uses for geological applications where CL emission at room temperature is meagre , the full effects of cooling are at present poorly known and the technique can not be recommended as a regular practice for petrographic purposes .
22 The advantages of settling are clear .
23 In the narratives , descriptions of killing are specifically and explicitly couched in terms of the shedding of another person 's blood , whilst acts of lawful vengeance for clan murder are similarly spoken of in terms of effecting an expiation by blood ( Lev .
24 Errors in searching are possible only if the searcher chooses the wrong subject heading in the published lists ; this too is regarded as an unlikely event .
25 As stated earlier , subjective responses to ageing are also shaped by social and material resources .
26 Simple social skills like apologizing are given no place because the most important thing is not to lose face .
27 Haines 's main tasks are to produce a ‘ strategic plan ’ for the Jockey Club , focusing on its role within the racing industry ; ensuring that the needs of racing are effectively understood in Whitehall and Westminster ; responsibility for the Club 's financial planning and maintaining close liaison with the Levy Board and the Horseracing Advisory Council .
28 Despite incurring very real expenses , especially in the use of staff time , the costs of weeding are rarely built into the library budget .
29 The costs of factoring are usually around 0.5 to 3 per cent of your turnover plus an interest rate roughly equivalent to your bank overdraft rate , so unless you have reasonably high profit margins costs can be a problem .
30 Contributions from ail are expected , recognised and rewarded .
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