Example sentences of "[noun pl] [noun sg] [modal v] give " in BNC.

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1 While putting together such a policy is a prime management role , in larger organizations the personnel department may give a lead in this task .
2 If the Commonwealth War Commission do n't know how to get hold of the War Graves Commission The Commonwealth War Graves Commission can give us the information we want provided we can give them the christian name of the person and the regiment .
3 In them days mother used to give me sixpence to spend and
4 This finding provides support for the belief that adequate treatment of H pylori infection will give longterm protection from duodenal ulcer recurrence .
5 ‘ And the new LEC challenge fund which will be administered by Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise will give enterprise companies the opportunity to bring forward pioneering and imaginative schemes to tackle long-term unemployment , ’ Mr Lang said .
6 One large shopping , sports and entertainments centre can give better services to the 100 000 people than the two old smaller centres .
7 The salary records should provide the opportunity to analyse wages between productive and non-productive headings ; the fees ledger should give the facility to ‘ age ’ debtors if necessary by client type or geographical area .
8 A call to your local Trading Standards Department may give you information about the state of the business and your next step .
9 The total balances on the sales ledger ( visitors ' ledger ) will give the total sundry debtors ; the total balance of the purchases ledger will give the total of the sundry creditors .
10 If you are disabled , the Social Services Department can give you gadgets to enable you to operate various appliances .
11 Barnardo 's ‘ Positive Options ’ or a social worker from the home finding unit of your local social services department can give you more information about how this might work .
12 Experts from the regional branch of the National Rivers Authority will give advice on the pros and cons of restocking with fish .
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