Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] [v-ing] through " in BNC.

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1 Continuity in marketing can count for a lot , but not if consumer attitudes are going through a sea change , and BMW 's light-footedness in launching the 3-series earned it the brand of the year award for durables .
2 This definition should be understood as the choreographer 's ability to establish a style of movement through which the audience will feel and understand what the performers are communicating through a particular way of dancing .
3 Do you think that maybe most of your fans are going through a phase , and that most of them will emerge the other end and leave you behind ?
4 And she says Jean you know well you can see er she says you know the day before Ros was in Lisburn and she says you know the way when you 're standing and from the back you can feel somebody that their eyes are penetrating through you and she said she happened to turn round and there she 's sitting in , in this girl 's car and just er looked at her like that .
5 The children who are coming up from the primary schools to secondary schools are going through a change themselves , and it would be such a broad area that we could integrate Science , English , Maths and everything under that sort of umbrella .
6 Warning signals were trembling through her ; her stomach was convulsed with a mixture of desire and apprehension .
7 The kids were going through the practical joke stage and , having exhausted their repertoire on us , were delighted to have a new victim .
8 I mean over the last two years it 's been shock horror headlines , you know , will endowments fail to repay the loan , are endowments good value and I ke some of the journalists I 've read bef over the last two years have actually completely reversed what they said t two years ago when P E Ps were declining because of poor share markets and bonuses were coming through quite nicely on the endowments , they said oh endowments are the thing to do .
9 While the Conference met , high spring tides were oozing through the paving of the Piazza San Marco .
10 Our experimental findings show how the subjects were working through these : in the first repetition , ( a ) was attempted rather amateurishly and ( b ) invoked by relatively few ; in the second repetition , many were beginning to apply ( a ) successively ( many put output in period eight equal to 250 which is where marginal cost equals expected price ) , many more were applying ( b ) and a sizeable number ( enough to effect our regression and probit results ) were invoking both ( c ) and ( d ) , though understandably the ( c ) effects were more pronounced .
11 Her eyes were glittering through her lashes .
12 The black eyes were pouring through her , amused and oddly smouldering at the same time .
13 All the lead from the roof had been stolen by official vandals , and bushes were growing through the floor of the entrance hall .
14 Only a trickle of cars was moving through Sandwich towards Royal St. George 's .
15 Parents are going through the same or worse .
16 At the till , worried parents are putting through the week 's shopping .
17 ‘ A lot of companies are going through a process of change and old certainties are going , which leads to insecurity , a lack of certainty and worry over jobs , ’ said .
18 Charity workers say twelve thousand child refugees are marching through Sudan in an attempt to escape the Civil War .
19 The thimerosal-induced calcium spiking in hamster eggs was blocked by the antibody 18A10 ( Box 3 ) , confirming the notion that these thiol reagents are acting through the IP 3 R ( ref. 97 ) .
20 Some people in the crowd tackled them back and poles from the placards were flying through the air .
21 By Stuart times , over eighty per cent of Britain 's imports were passing through London .
22 She had no doubt they would come — she had had lots of inquiries from her last advertisement in the local paper — but in the meantime all the bills were thumping through the letter-box and Great-Aunt Alicia 's legacy was beginning to melt terrifyingly .
23 There was still plenty of bitterness and anger , but other emotions were surfacing through the hurts .
24 One may say : ‘ I pray best when the Rosary Beads are slipping through my fingers . ’
25 Thousands of health workers are marching through the centre of London in protest at the Government 's health reforms .
26 Despite the fact that crab stocks are declining through overfishing , the government buckled to pressure from the fishing industry and actually eliminated a closed season on crabbing in 1983 .
27 Messages are flying through the ether , coming from every side , like we were listening to twenty stations at once .
28 Much of what business needs to carry out new information strategies is simply not being provided , he says ; ‘ most organisations are going through an architectural crisis at the moment due to the absence of strategic planning and management . ’
29 Blockbusters are going through a terrible time , and I had no desire to add to the misery .
30 Troops were moving through the village heading in the direction of the attack area and the artillery fire had increased in support of the attack , the usual odd shell or two dropping short causing casualties among the troops moving along the road .
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