Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] we do " in BNC.

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1 Jan Marsh and Trevor Loomis have found seven National Trust houses where we do have a very clear idea of how women lived and thought .
2 And we need to use the reserves that we do have in the balance sheet , we need to spend them wisely in order to achieve our objectives , our objectives for change , and we must recognise that they can only be spent once .
3 There was a boy at school who was deaf , but he could read lips so we did n't have to shout .
4 Nevertheless , we know even less about the inspection methods of these inspectors than we do of HMIs .
5 ‘ We sent money home to our mothers and brothers and we did n't care if we did n't have a social life .
6 The first time we went out was to the pictures and we did n't say a word to each other all night .
7 While we are now well aware that too much fat , especially in saturated forms , increases the risk of heart disease and certain cancers , the latest from the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) — Diet , nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases — says we run further risks if we do not eat enough fruit and vegetables .
8 But we have to do it , they 'd be absolutely down on us like a ton of bricks if we did n't .
9 There are various ways of improving the lot of hens but we do need to ask the hens themselves rather than make up their minds for them .
10 ‘ There is tight security at our homes but we do not want to have to put bars over the windows . ’
11 However she did not work in isolation of the sales figures and shop reports , which she read avidly and , as she wrote to Moira : ‘ I feel that we hit it in many respects but we do n't seem to repeat the exciting things fast though . ’
12 We never starved and we were healthy kids but we did n't get any pocket money , there was none to spare .
13 One of the difficulties that actually struck me last night about an organization like A B S A is that how wide , and in fact I 've got something in my filing cabinet next door which will tell me if I looked it up , how wide is the umbrella of the arts because we do n't have anything similar for sport , we do n't have anything specific
14 We do n't send more papers out to external referees because we do n't want to exhaust this valuable resource ( even though we have about 2500 referees on our database ) and because we are the best judge of issues like whether the paper belongs in the BMJ or another sort of journal .
15 IT is high time that we stopped this charade of swearing allegiance to the Queen and her heirs and successors because we do not know from time to time who they are .
16 ‘ Well , here we are in March 1993 and London booksellers are faced with this quite untenable situation of a fellow bookseller getting supplies some months before we do . ’
17 Who should we turn our back on checkerboard solutions as we do ?
18 She closed her eyes as we did this as if she could not bear the spectacle of herself , a helpless , groaning hulk , being rolled about the bed .
19 Although there is no direct evidence on the subject of Richard 's upbringing and education — we do not even know the names of his tutors as we do in his father 's case — it is none the less possible , by using romances and treatises , to reconstruct the type of education which he must have undergone .
20 They do n't crave the same bodily comforts as we do .
21 With this admission , the positive side of the local sign theory became the unexceptionable thesis that there is some cause in our bodily make-up for our localising sensations as we do .
22 About one hundred million years ago , for reasons that we do not understand , the ammonite dynasty began to dwindle .
23 They 're all in the mind ; experiences like abductions are psychological states that we do n't understand .
24 Each cycle should take fifty five minutes so we do three sets of role play , well we look at them , look for the cycle to start at quarter past ten first cycle must start at quarter past ten , there four that should be for one o'clock so we commence the third and final role play , come back here and break for lunch and have an hour for lunch final role play at two o'clock .
25 Douglas Hurd remarked at one summit that ‘ some of the other member states have less faith in their own institutions than we do ’ .
26 We know much more about the state of Chelsea 's teeth than we do about the state of the nation .
27 I , I 'm not for a minute suggesting that er th that for the small projects that we do that .
28 Many of them have a wider spread of activities than we do , making things like glass containers , aluminium cans or paper and board products .
29 We are now buying ourselves white sticks that we do n't really need to help us cross the road .
30 A major problem is that there is no reason why we choose the referents that we do other than the fact that they may be someone we know or whose occupation we have information about .
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