Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] he [is] " in BNC.

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1 He 's been driving the go-kart for 18 months so he 's really quite experienced .
2 The exporter does not expect to get paid for his goods for 12 months so he is given a credit note — a standby letter — from the importer 's bank .
3 The paradigm presents him with a set of definite problems together with methods that he is confident will be adequate for their solution .
4 But hey , there 's a bounty out , he could do with the loot and you can tell from the narrowing of those famous Eastwood eyes that he 's bored rigid with being a decent human being .
5 He , of course , does not admit any difficulty of this kind , but I shall suggest that his appeals to class strategy are treacherous , and reintroduce the conception of subjects that he is so anxious to stamp out .
6 The images that he 's going to use come to life .
7 Listening is much more than hearing ; it is an active process whereby the listener attends exclusively to the speaker , not only to the words that he is speaking .
8 Rod Wallace appears to be producing some good performances although he 's not putting all his chances away — those misses in the first half on Saturday would probably be crucial against a good side .
9 John Patten , counting his blessings that he is not yet a Treasury Minister , opted to avoid the economy altogether and put his faith in education , as befits an Oxford fellow .
10 These days the king goes out of his way to remind listeners that he is the senior representative of the Hashemites , ‘ the noblest family in Islam ’ and the traditional guardians of Mecca and Medina until they were thrown out by the al-Saud family in 1925 .
11 Tony Grant , of Coopers and Lybrand , who chairs the initiative , hopes to take advantage of the deregulation of German , French and other European financial sectors that he is sure is coming .
12 However , as a result of the accident , he has completely lost the use of his arms and legs and he is now able to communicate with other people only by using his parents to interpret his signs .
13 that to him when the Celtic red mist 's before his eyes and he 's kicking your head in in a jealous rage , he thought .
14 It is possible for a Fanatic to whirl through several enemy units if he is especially lucky !
15 It was in his adopted position of right-back that Paul gained two England Under 21 caps and he is one of only a handful of players who have appeared for the Palace in ten post-war seasons , while his 319 games for the club place him firmly in the top five all-time appearances for us .
16 TACKLING your opponent very hard and then lifting him up with your hands under his armpits and pulling his hairs until he is screaming blue murder — and you say to the referee ‘ Well , I 'm only trying to help him ! ’
17 And Donald 's gon na go and take away all those words and he 's gon na put them all into a dictionary all by himself .
18 He is working on a scheme with the National Federation of WI to organise a competition to celebrate next year 's 75th anniversary by offering 10 telecottages as prizes for its 9,000 branches and he is hoping the WI will establish a pilot telecottage near its college in Denman , Oxfordshire .
19 Yeah well we 've got a little antique box a jewellery box and it 's embossed the pattern round it , and the pattern round it is a boar hunt and it 's beautiful , there 's a little boar galloping his heart out with horsemen after him with spears and he 's all the way round the box and I thought of adding him on to the copper kettle you know as engraved all round the outside .
20 For now Andrew Saxton continues to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and he 's hoping the decision will be reversed before the event starts .
21 However , he will have to take much more radical steps if he is to acquire truly ‘ green ’ credentials .
22 His photographs feature in several books and he is currently photographer for Cycling Weekly .
23 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
24 ‘ Aah doubts but he 's on 'is way ti ’ meet 'is Maker .
25 An eighty-six year old man has been told that he ca n't keep his artificial legs because he 's too accident prone .
26 The question may arise as to whether the decision to consent to or reject treatment is made by a patient who has the capacity to make the decision , in other words whether he is fit to make it , or whether he has genuinely made the decision .
27 Amenartas , escaping from Ayesha 's wrath , had borne a child whose line persisted through the centuries to end with Leo Vincey , who is as much a descendant of Kallikrates as he is a reincarnation of him .
28 He may even need to use a blanket over his legs when he is sitting in his chair .
29 Dega is so myopic that he never takes his glasses off-there is a nice touch when Dustin holds his hand over his spectacles as he is showered down .
30 Ted Cox is almost unique among Athletico supporters as he is one of only a handful who voluntarily attend away games .
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