Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] never [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is common that learned attitudes and behaviour patterns may never be questioned by the grown-up child .
2 He said since the incident new instructions insisted that loads must never be left unsupported , supports must be put in place to stop the tube falling and a wider slot in the pipe was now used making the operation easier , quicker and safer .
3 Such interactions must never be other than supportive ; yet they must also carry as much potency as possible for moving children 's learning forward .
4 Books and catalogues may contain criticism ; but their writers may think of themselves as art historians , philosophers , aestheticians , anthropologists , historians or biographers , and there are many other possibilities ; their books may never be identified as art criticism .
5 For this reason , roles may never be totally satisfying other than for short periods .
6 His prime concern is that clients should never be ‘ overhatted , as in over-horsed ’ .
7 For ease of reference , the various steps are numbered , but the divisions between the steps should never be thought of as hard and fast .
8 In this sense a set of Christian guidelines must never be interpreted as an attempt to legislate the Gospel .
9 Terminals must never be removed by pulling on the wires , and loaded pods should never be left hanging outside the detector as the soldered terminal joints may break under the weight .
10 Authors should never be held responsible for their publishers ' blurbs , and so one is spared the embarrassment of assessing the claim that Hugh Trevor-Roper is ‘ Britain 's greatest living historian ’ .
11 Quakers had long distinguished between the policeman and the soldier , and the suppression of disorder among heathens was seen as legitimate in a way that prosecuting war between civilized Christian peoples could never be .
12 Many natural foods we have happily consumed for centuries would never be allowed to be sold in the shops today if they were subject to the same tests as modern drugs and edible substances .
13 While it is true that most houses in the world 's seismic zones are made from earth , and most deaths in earthquakes are attributable to the collapse of earthen structures , it is equally certain that high-tech solutions will never be disseminated .
14 Dinner parties will never be the same again .
15 While diesel cars will never be seen as road burners , they will go at least as fast as the ‘ cooking ’ versions of ordinary petrol-powered saloons and hatchbacks .
16 The NHS reforms and the Patient 's Charter are designed to try and make the health service more customer or patient oriented , but structural reforms and exhortations will never be enough on their own .
17 There will never be more than a stray shower ; the waves will never be more than three feet high , with a scattering of white horses when the breeze runs into double figures .
18 But the reason why Fox reports that ‘ there is virtually unanimous agreement among working scientists that animals will never be replaced entirely in the laboratory ’ ( 1986 : 174 ) , except perhaps in the fields of product and drug research and development , is that numerous research projects involve the study of fully functioning live animals ( in vivo ) .
19 POTTING sheds will never be the same again .
20 Financial considerations can never be the deciding factor in sentencing .
21 Except in the most arid and scholarly publications , your value to journalists can never be measured simply in terms of the quality of your music .
22 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
23 They offer a challenge to any simplistic view of the relative skills of the ‘ lay ’ parent and the ‘ professional ’ teacher , by demonstrating that while parents may never be conscious of the teaching strategies they use to help their child acquire language , they are in a very important sense , their children 's teachers .
24 Two harps should never be used merely to double each other in unison .
25 Somehow a favourite dress or toy of Paige 's would be damaged , but she had done it with such guile that her parents could never be sure it was intentional .
26 The point is that there could be such a command and at the level of that command where , as it were , the answer would be received , no information would ever be received about the other senses of ‘ bar ’ that the system as a whole might happen to know about in its dictionary , and the procedures for surveying that range of senses would never be revealed .
27 CHURCH matters will never be far away for Sellafield technical support officer David Ivey and his new wife , Marilyn .
28 ASKING directions will never be quite the same .
29 Frank is educating Rita in this superb play which provides lots of humour as well as the underlying pathos of two people struggling with changes which mean their lives will never be the same again .
30 And what a pity Meaulnes will never be broadcast . ’
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