Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And if our defence mechanism is impaired , what other dangers may we not be open to ?
2 Wilson 's claim in 1902 that 40 per cent of NFSU members were foreign was illustrative of his conviction that only by protecting foreigners could he also protect British nationals .
3 Which of the many candidates would he finally marry ?
4 If they did not let her see him until they both appeared before the prince , what wild errors might he not commit in his insecurity ?
5 Do you say , Excuse me chaps could you just pass the ball over this way please .
6 Even after adulthood and the break-up of the family , the parents would themselves certainly have retained , from their own babyhoods , those residual longings for the comfort of the father figure .
7 If you are interested in becoming involved in either of these duties will you please contact Pauline Kenward or Joan Daniels .
8 For once in your lives can yous not be nice in this house instead of bickering and fighting
9 But Mill considers what , what reasons could there possibly be for having this two stage process .
10 Students are also able to extend their course to take extra credits should they not meet degree requirements within the standard three or four years , again by returning part-time .
11 But as you look at it nowadays you can see if they were going back to these days would we still have the same interest .
12 they would require replacing every seven years would they not ?
13 What requests based on these rules and expectations can I reasonably make ?
14 What sorts of judgements and comparisons can they really make ?
15 If anyone would be interested in being part of a prayer support group for either of our link families could they please contact either Freda Kennedy or Bill Howieson .
16 ‘ What problems could you possibly have ? ’ said Henry .
17 How in your wildest dreams would you most like to spend a day/night
18 Chairman , just before we leave things can I just remind members now that , that , the target set for this Committee was a net increase , and , have that in mind as we go through , and that increase is some six hundred and forty thousand pounds , which we could show within those papers as having arrived at it , in ninety four , five .
19 You will need to consider , not just your future retirement income , but also any extras that may be part and parcel of your existing company scheme : an early retirement option ; a pension before normal age were you to become ill ; protection for your dependants should you unexpectedly die .
20 How in the gods ' names could he possibly benefit from this ?
21 Out of interest , by the way , how many passengers would you usually expect to have on board at any one time ? ’
22 We went out bit like one of these er soap powder adverts which of these two objectives would you alright given the option to , decide that that is a a good training objective and which is n't so good ?
23 Only after describing all rooms would they then proceed to detail their contents .
24 What canals , bridges and noble roads would it not have made for us ? ’
25 What sort of holidays should we now start providing during this period ?
26 1 Which of these creatures would you least like to share your life with ?
27 Surely , I thought , if we can do this with pensions can we not do the same with social security ?
28 What practical measures could we possibly take to give space to so many ? ’
29 He was quick to point out that when they went up to Oxford — as most of my pupils would he likely to do — the impact of Marx , the one reputation which most politically-conscious dons revered , was likely to sweep them off their feet .
30 After nine courses would she simply explode , like a too-fat sausage — ?
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