Example sentences of "[noun pl] [modal v] [be] their " in BNC.

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1 It is clear from previous discussion that voluntary CAB workers in particular come into the organisation with the preconceived idea that interviewing clients will be their task .
2 Their farewell party is a sham and a mockery , a pretence that a great future awaits them instead of the fear that the next great event in their lives may be their death .
3 The Government may call the proposed tax a council tax , but the bills will be their bills .
4 Part of the justification ā€˜ for greatly increased expenditure on universities must be their success in strengthening the professional infrastructure of our society ā€™ .
5 In the light of certain of the clinical evidence it might be expected that one factor influencing the direction or degree of perceptual asymmetry obtained in laboratory experiments among left handers would be their degree of sinistrality .
6 Frequently , all that they will have to guide them through the recommendations of officials will be their own political common sense ; this may well be adequate for a strong minister , but others may find it hard to change the bureaucracy 's course .
7 Their priorities will be their departments ' priorities .
8 In this case the only difference between the regions would be their initial configurations and so the strong anthropic principle would reduce to the weak one .
9 Like the Grumman biplanes , all the 262s will be built to airworthy standards and the only deviation from the original plans will be their General Electric Jā€“85 engines , which will fit into the engine cowlings without altering their contours .
10 Today , of course , the test of love between men would be their willingness to share not just a toothbrush but also a razor .
11 An important feature of long leys should be their deep-rooting ability .
12 Relief camps will be their destination .
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