Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] also made " in BNC.

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1 Clay figurines are also made , but they are mostly styleless work ( as are some bronzes ) , toys or cheap offerings .
2 On most courses longer trips are also made , i.e. to Montserrat , Ampurias/Costa Brava , Poblet Monastery/Costa Dorada , etc .
3 A number of silk rugs are also made in these designs .
4 Cylinders were also made in large diameters , with special machines to play them of course .
5 And legendary names like the Tiger Moth trainer and Mosquito and Vampire fighters were also made there .
6 The selection of schools was also made in order to study the project in a variety of social settings and administrative areas , and with the avowed purpose of identifying and recording instances of good practice .
7 These comparisons and evaluations are also made by children .
8 At the same time donations were also made to the Eagle Lodge project and Dowding House , Moffat , with a further donation promised to the Cumberland Infirmary for extra portable X-ray equipment .
9 In the Midlands and East Anglia individual examples from cemeteries were also made with a separate clay and also a specific set of dies ; one exception was at Newark where two die sets and two day sources were in use , but these were not mutually exclusive .
10 Visits were also made to Norway , Germany and France ( Table 2 ) .
11 Visits were also made to Canada , to see how the implementation of a national curriculum there was affecting work in English , and to Denmark and France , to look at the teaching of Danish and French respectively , and at those countries ' arrangements for bilingual children .
12 Visits were also made to the royal stables and barracks .
13 British staffs were also made aware of the progress being made in the development of two mobile strategic missiles in the United States : the US Air Force 's bomber-launched Skybolt missile ; and its rival , the US Navy 's submarine-launched Polaris .
14 They were despatched exactly to schedule and from that date further deliveries were also made exactly to programme .
15 Plenty of criticisms were also made of Europe by the United States and Japan .
16 If capital transfer to other countries was also made illegal or tightly controlled , this would also help to prevent corporations evading the law by exporting those behaviours which would be illegal in one country to another where they are not .
17 Suggestions that small and medium enterprises are going to find life particularly difficult in the labour market of the next few years are also made in a study of recruitment problems by the Local Economy Research Unit at Hatfield Polytechnic .
18 I know of my hon. Friend 's concern , and I will make sure that my officials are also made aware of it .
19 Representation on special needs was also made to the Select Committee , by teachers ' associations and others , making the point that early identification of delay difficulties is facilitated when the provisions and structures are in place .
20 A number of other changes were also made .
21 Nine other changes were also made .
22 Efforts were also made to launch private prosecutions against Mrs Thatcher for the alleged crime of threatening to kill under section 16 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 .
23 In so far as schooling proved too " mechanical " a procedure for influencing the pupils ' subjectivities in the approved manner , efforts were also made to influence home life in a more direct fashion .
24 Efforts were also made to resolve a financial dispute concerning the repayment by France of a US$1,000 million loan made in 1974 by Iran 's pre-revolution government .
25 The selection of dancers is also made easier because dancers full roughly into four categories ( see page 51 ) which are determined by individual characteristics and abilities .
26 A number of suggestions are also made to make it more attractive for overseas companies to employ non-domiciled nationals .
27 Suggestions are also made for incorporating video into the overall teaching programme .
28 Suggestions are also made for antiphonal singing .
29 Suggestions were also made for the future development of the qualifications .
30 Arrangements were also made for two firemen to take it in turns to sleep on the premises and instructions were given to these men to go all round the shops after the Works are closed and ‘ inspect every hole and corner to see if there is any sign of fire and afterwards to sleep on the premises so as to be ready in case of accident ’ .
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