Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] think to " in BNC.

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1 in pairs are thought to be clever dicks , sorry .
2 These solutes are thought to be the origin of cements within the subsurface , either as quartz overgrowth cements ( e.g. Sibley & blatt , 1976 ) or as calcite cements .
3 The risks are thought to be very small : ( 1 ) because the balance of the natural environment is primarily controlled by the species already present which appear to operate to the detriment of new introductions ; and ( 2 ) because in new releases of microorganisms to date , all very closely monitored , there has been no evidence of any of them getting out of control or adversely affecting the environment .
4 ( Meliaceae ) but durian seeds are so damaged that ground-walking animals are thought to be the principal effective agents possibly sun-bears , or even tigers .
5 As well as the writs issued against the two men , 12 writs were obtained by the army 's solicitors , Slaughter & May — mostly to gain access to confidential documents or accounts where funds are thought to be held .
6 The Oct-2 proteins are thought to be effectors of octamer-dependent immunoglobulin gene transcription and certain cytokine genes [ 7 ] .
7 Strategically , we need to understand what the clients are thinking to be able to deliver the services which they want . ’
8 4.20 Where clients are thought to be or are known to be a risk or danger to themselves , other clients or other people and are admitted to a residential or day care facility , their progress must be explicitly monitored by the officer in charge who should keep the line manager informed .
9 No German warships were thought to be in the immediate area and only some four squadrons of fighters and bombers — an estimated 37 planes — were flying from Herdia , Stavanger , and Trondheim .
10 Key variables were thought to be the size of the selected area , the population characteristics and the traffic structure .
11 These savings were thought to be of the order of £0.5 million at the most .
12 The earlier stations were not as successful as their British counterparts but later designs were thought to be an improvement .
13 If , however , further safeguards were thought to be necessary , it would be open to the Director to reserve such decisions to himself .
14 The deal with Malaysia 's Proton Cars is thought to be worth £50,000 .
15 The date of these vessels was thought to be late second century ( although , as I write this , a more accurate date is from c .
16 About 16 billion tonnes are thought to be lost every year .
17 Agility , speed , muscular power , sharpness of reflex , accuracy of judgment , these I presume to be some of the attributes with which blacks are thought to be born .
18 The ‘ tails ’ of these Phromnia rosea nymphs are thought to be unpalatable to predators .
19 The major age accelerators are thought to be stress , inactivity , chemical pollution , exposure to harmful sun-rays , cigarette smoking , alcohol and a deficiency of the essential nutrients .
20 Many of Japan 's largest and most famous corporations , including Matsushita Electric , Hitachi and Nippon Steel , have reported major drops in profits while nearly a third of the country 's medium-sized companies are thought to be losing money .
21 Shetlanders are afraid that they might be excluded from this market — with their higher salaries and various company safeguards , incomers are thought to be willing to make higher bids for scarce pieces of land .
22 Painful bowel movements were thought to be present if the child complained of pain during defecation or when the child exhibited screaming or crying in anticipation of , or during , defecation , if the parent reported blood on the stool or if the child had an anal fissure present at the time of examination .
23 Because of these common anatomical and behavioural features lampreys and hagfishes were thought to be most closely related to one another among the modern fauna and were recognized as cyclostomes ( Fig. 2A , a ) .
24 SCO , whose revenues are thought to be double USL 's and whose board reportedly wants to cash out , makes no secret of the fact that it has been contemplating its own initial public offering ( IPO ) for some time .
25 Investigators are thought to be in possession of a tape recording of the alleged incident .
26 Some dogs are thought to be genetically susceptible to it , but diet always seems to get the blame .
27 In Los Angeles , another place where non-Hispanic whites are a dwindling minority , a 62-year-old white businessman is in a run-off for the mayor 's office against the young Asian-American who has for years been thought to be one of California 's most personable Democrats .
28 MORE than 80 banks are thought to be studying final proposals for the £1.4 billion debt refinancing plan to rescue the property and trading group , Heron .
29 The earliest in the series of brooches is thought to be that from the cemetery at Chessell Down ; the various combinations of the design elements on the other examples in the series make it possible to suggest the sequence in which they were manufactured .
30 A period of three years was thought to be necessary for census-taking and drawing up electoral rolls .
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