Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 By writ dated 6 August 1991 the plaintiffs in the first action , Barclays Bank Plc. claimed £389,431 from the defendants , Glasgow City Council , being moneys had and received to the plaintiffs ' use as having been paid under void contracts ; or contracts for which the consideration had totally failed ; which were traceable by the plaintiffs into the hands of the defendants , the retention of which would be unconscionable ; which would cause the defendants to be unjustly enriched ; or which the defendants held upon an implied or resulting or constructive trust in favour of the plaintiffs ; or to which the plaintiffs were entitled on the grounds that the defendants had spent the money on their lawful activities or applied them towards the discharge of their liabilities .
2 They led the dogs to a place where the river meandered and the shingle bank was broad and deserted , and they beat them with sticks or stoned them .
3 Did they in fact have access to the new birth-control methods or did they practice older nineteenth-century birth-control techniques , more suited to the pockets of the working class ?
4 In the process of sexual selection , certain males were said to develop characteristics that gave them the edge over other males in the competition for females .
5 He joked with them like a cheerful , older brother and sang one or two shockingly rude Army songs that made them both giggle .
6 All of the walking species had the widely-splayed legs that gave them a slow and lumbering gait , but , in the absence of more streamlined animals , they prospered .
7 But it soon became apparent to the pioneering voluntary organizations that established them , such as the Richmond Fellowship , that patients who had been mentally unwell for years did not miraculously become capable of independent living in a short space of time ; they often needed permanent help and support and coped particularly poorly with changes in their environment and lifestyle .
8 But there was something about them , maybe their mohair suits , maybe the hard men they imported from Glasgow or maybe their bonding as brothers that made them seem glamorous .
9 His dilated pupils told one story , the honesty of the eyes that enclosed them another .
10 She had bright blue eyes that surveyed them warily .
11 Alike in size and general appearance , but not in the guards that operated them .
12 The principal purpose of this book is to examine Ronald Reagan 's efforts to deal with these problems ; to examine the techniques he and his staff used as they sought to break free from the ties that bound them ; and to assess how successful Reagan was in mastering the system of government and in achieving his policy objectives .
13 OK , there might n't perhaps be all that much left over now from the early joys of their marriage ; yet , in an odd sort of way , the longer they 'd abjured the divorce-courts , the stronger had grown the ties that bound them together : home , children , friends , memoria , insurance policies ; and above all , perhaps , the sheer length — the ever-increasing length — of the time they 'd spent together as man and wife .
14 It has been argued that very few electors usually read them and that many of the commitments made do not enjoy widespread support among voters , even among those voting for the parties that issued them .
15 What left his stamp on the stewardship of our movement was that he held to these passions so tenaciously and yet drew on inner reserves that illumined them with an unshakeable commitment to excellence and that rarest of all qualities personal integrity .
16 Alongside the development of poor law hospitals many voluntary hospitals , assisted by charitable funds that enabled them to provide cheap or free services to the poor , were founded or grew in strength from their earlier origins .
17 In short Moses Moses revealed to that like the Egyptians each generation of Jews that gave them their character in general which is that today
18 In practice , the ambiguities of class blurred the theory ; rich Kenyans had privileges that made them virtually equal to the British , and a large number of the British — including the instruments of power , the soldiers — were not accepted as equals by the Establishment .
19 With words that made them known ’
20 After that she stood in a hazy dream , listening to the words that made them husband and wife .
21 But those that came from arid islands and had to crane their necks in order to reach branches of cactus or leaves of trees , had much longer necks and a high peak to the front of their shells that enabled them to stretch their necks almost vertically upwards .
22 Rebel Males by Graham McCann ( Hamish Hamilton , £10.99 ) — Montgomery Clift , Marlon Brando and James Dean , the subjects of this literate and readable study , pioneered a new kind of rebel as screen hero : they exuded primeval , ambiguous sexuality , and were not afraid of roles that made them look vulnerable , foolish or insecure .
23 That is getting away from the old system whereby the County Council held a vast store of advisers in Macclesfield House , stacked up , and schools that needed them requested them and off they went , but schools in fact that wanted perhaps a different sort of advice , was n't able to get it from Macclesfield House , and could n't buy it outside because it did n't have the money to do so .
24 When he turned to look at her with some compassion , she walked the few steps that kept them apart and , staring at him with desperate eyes , insisted , ‘ That woman in the docks … it was her , was n't it ?
25 They recorded the usual four songs and gave them both English and Ukrainian names .
26 Dad marched over , pulled my hands out of my ears and forced them down to my sides .
27 In sudden fury Leonora caught hold of his legs and swung them to the floor .
28 He stretched out his long legs and crossed them at the ankles .
29 The hot car seats stung the children 's bare legs and made them cry out in protest .
30 The young man and the girl did not see him coming and he caught them both around their legs and knocked them onto the floor .
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