Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Once a family contacts or is referred to the referral scheme coordinator every assistance is given to that family to link into their local community group to ensure that the group is physically suitable and that any special assistance needed to enable the child to attend the group and enjoy its activities is provided .
2 An ex-employee is thus allowed to make use of his own memory of the work he has carried out in his previous employment unless it involves genuine secrets or is covered by an express term in the contract of employment .
3 the employee works less hours or is laid off
4 Will the Supplement entries follow their OED entry on the main tape(s) or be contained on a separate tape ?
5 A CHURCH has been told to tone down its bells or be prosecuted for noise pollution by Nottingham Council .
6 No cases are referred to in the judgments or were cited in argument .
7 Others reeked of herbs or were powdered with flour .
8 During conference debate on industrial law , Brenda Dean , general secretary of the print union Sogat , attacked Mr Maxwell over the treatment of over 100 workers at the Nuffield Press in Oxford who , she said , had to agree to individual contracts or be sacked at the end of the week .
9 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
10 Even if they are not visibly disabled , some elderly people reach a stage in their lives when slight muscular weakness and general frailty , combined with a natural anxiety about crossing roads or being jostled off their feet in crowded places , makes going out difficult for them .
11 What the charter does promise patients is that they ‘ will be given a fixed appointment time and be seen within 30 minutes or be kept informed of any delay . ’
12 Ms Garner said : ‘ Whether or not a murder charge stands or is reduced to manslaughter depends entirely on the individual case .
13 The stimuli which the cell receives from the matrix can then initiate changes in gene expression with temporally related changes in cell structure which result directly from the same signals or are determined by concomitant but separate cell-matrix interaction .
14 The questions , which Mr Prescott also raised with Cecil Parkinson , the Secretary of State for Transport , and the Health and Safety Executive , centre on the £600m order for rolling stock made earlier this year , although the issue of whether passengers should stay with their cars or be segregated had not been resolved .
15 Even when children encounter facts in books or are told the ‘ correct ’ explanation , it does not mean that they will necessarily believe them .
16 Many of the seafront hotels on the long esplanade have become nursing homes or been demolished for cliff-like apartment blocks with their individual balconies looking out to sea .
17 It seems , however , that the viral genes can not produce proteins or be replicated until they are in the form of integrated DNA .
18 For goodness sake , why should small city-centre hotels have to operate restaurants or be forced into stupid little half-measures such as the aforementioned to get a rating ?
19 We are ready to approach these people to ask them if they will fill in questionnaires or be interviewed to help us with our research .
20 Examples of farmers in the Welsh LFA converting moorland while once good lower pastures are filling with rushes or being overgrown with bracken , are quite commonplace .
21 And were you paid at six months or were paid every
22 The employer 's main duties are to assess display screen equipment workstations and reduce any risks that are discovered ; ensure that workstations satisfy minimum requirements in terms of the display screen itself , the keyboard , desk and chair , working environment and task design and software ; plan work on display screen equipment so that the user has breaks or changes of activity ; and to provide information and training for display equipment users .
23 In other words those very characteristics that are said to be proscribed by the importance the Japanese attach to group loyalty and deference to authority .
24 Essentially the approach has been to try and identify the factors or characteristics that are associated with cases or situations of abuse , to assume that these are qualitatively different from the rest of the population and finally to hypothesize that these factors or characteristics in some way relate to the basic cause(s) of the problem .
25 The question would be posed more specifically , distinguishing between the types of physical characteristics that were felt to be relevant to teaching and those , such as hair colour , which were not .
26 Such a drawing results in an increase in the Fund 's holdings of the member 's currency and a decrease in the IMF holdings of the currencies that are borrowed .
27 There are also animals that are listed in the IUCN 's Red Data Book of Endangered Species .
28 These rapidly become the scenes of intense activity , not just of the spadefoot toads , but also of the other animals that are tuned to a similar life cycle .
29 I think animals that are used for human entertainment definitely deserve a better deal , for example , large wi wild animals that are used in circuses , we have n't got the right , as people , to say that they 're here for our entertainment .
30 I think animals that are used for human entertainment definitely deserve a better deal , for example , large wi wild animals that are used in circuses , we have n't got the right , as people , to say that they 're here for our entertainment .
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