Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 With all the macros together on one page , someone doing accounts where they only want some of the standard sheets , can just choose those that are relevant . ’
2 I would place Aspen Pittman 's article in the same league as time share selling , or book clubs or something equally hazy with the truth that happens to make a good profit .
3 Not telling lies to the employer , the courts or anyone else .
4 And ‘ it ’ might be a frantic drive down the coast for a weekend over the border into Mexico , or a trip into the wine-growing country beyond the Berkeley hills , or trying a new recipe involving chocolate sauce and lobster claws or something equally revolting .
5 Did you go to the sort of school where it was made easy to go into science , or did you go to the sort of school where nice girls did the arts or something quite different ?
6 Does n't go to erm his brothers or something afterwards ?
7 The Swedes at one time , they designed er a stabilizer which was er a type hydraulic rather than a mechanical hydraulic er er stabilizer , and subsequently all the materials that I was talking about , the levers and you know , all the rest of it , were not required , and it shrunk the size of the thing er so low you know , that er the British manufacturers had to look , because the Swedes were then in the market er in a competitive way to take on Brothers or anybody else who were prepared to er produce them under licence .
8 ‘ You 've got to decide whether it 's … freer atmosphere and rowdyism or silence and total obedience , because I do n't think you … have any feelings towards somebody in schools where you just have to sit in silence in sort of neat rows …
9 A bunch of Jackson 5 covers or something probably . ’
10 So come on Martin , such fits of petulant pique do nothing to make readers respect your professional judgement , whether it is on ‘ classic ’ walks or anything else .
11 I 'm not out to if they 're going to claim on this diesel then that 's up to them but I 'm not going to have our lads or anybody else blamed for something which definitely does not exist and I shall tell as soon as I erm I meet him to have a chat with him again that he 's going along the wrong lines .
12 And more of those will come in because it 's far better to prevent er not only nitrates but pesticides or anything else which is applied to land , getting into water .
13 Nor did he want to do anything prematurely which put a question mark against the potential of the United Nations or which unnecessarily provoked the USSR .
14 ‘ I am not going to get this country into a war with anybody for the League of Nations or anybody else or for anything else , ’ Baldwin is recorded as saying .
15 I hate subjects where you just have to fill your head with facts .
16 Signs of confinement stress in horses include stall-walking , weaving ( rocking from side to side ) , pawing , banging the door and stamping ; those related to restricted munching include crib-biting , wind-sucking , chewing of rugs or woodwork , eating of bedding , and licking of lips or anything else ; signs of general irritation are skin-wriggling , head-tossing or shaking , tail swishing , rubbing against walls or doors and biting of themselves ; those related to aggression include head thrusts , ear-flattening , and kicking at walls or thin air .
17 Since use of land for domestic and industrial purposes is largely incompatible with clean water , potable supply rivers tend to be found in rural settings where they also have considerable amenity value .
18 the , the way we , the way I look it see , the way we 've been cut and slashed , and I 'm not just talking about high schools and first schools or anything right we 've been destroyed , we 've been literally thumped into the deck .
19 terms of servicing schools or anything like that it is n't
20 MANSON 'S SOLO LP , featuring songs that he originally presented to Byrds producer Terry Melcher in the hope of landing a major record deal .
21 Revolutions toppled first the Chinese emperor in 1911 , then the tsar of Russia in 1917 ; the Great War of 1914–1918 also weakened the European powers drastically and at the same time showed the colonized peoples that their seemingly invincible white masters were capable of enormous self-destructive folly .
22 We are such thoroughly visual animals that we hardly realize what a complicated business seeing is .
23 Wild rabbits can be kept in captivity and eventually tamed , and it is , in fact , because this has happened through the centuries that we now see so many variations .
24 ‘ It 's funny , ’ says Brian , ‘ they 're both so like my own kids that we often say the stork must have dropped them in the wrong homes the first time around .
25 The road ran straight ahead of us until it disappeared in the mist , except that at the man 's feet it was gone and there was a gap some fifty metres or so wide through which a brown torrent ran so high and in such furious waves that it almost lipped the broken macadam where the road had been swept away .
26 So much of him was drawn into his eyes that he never heard the drumming of hooves cross the plateau from the ramp , or the rattle of the chains as the drawbridge was lowered in haste .
27 There was strength and an inner confidence reflected in those steady grey eyes that she suddenly realised were subjecting her to a thorough appraisal .
28 She was pale and willowy , with a large mouth and the most amazing violet eyes that you ever did see .
29 But it was only when I punched through the thick , creamy crest and the rainbow mist cleared from my eyes that I finally gave up all hope .
30 The man who had raised Irish rally engineering to a higher plain and produced more winning cars than anyone before , headed for Europe with some regrets .
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