Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] see it " in BNC.

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1 The awful , abrupt finality of a man pitching forward , so easily , so arbitrarily terminated — the convenience of it to the killer : they were things to which I could never become habituated , however many times I saw it .
2 Then she was aware of someone staring at her and looking out of the corner of her eyes she saw it was Carmella .
3 By 1920 the English Channel Tunnel Company 's scheme for a rail tunnel between Shakespeare Cliff and Sangatte was at an advanced stage of development and had attracted the support of MPs , businessmen and engineers who saw it as a major work of postwar reconstruction which would provide badly needed employment at a time of recession .
4 The Centre for Policy Studies was only one of a series of institutions which now began to churn out papers , briefings , and a stream of serious young advisers in dark suits who saw it as their role to steer the party away from the errors of its past ways .
5 The accounts of nationalism given by liberal thinkers , who associate it with the bourgeois struggle for democracy , and by the Austro-Marxists who see it as one feature in the rise and consolidation of the capitalist mode of production , merging at a later stage into imperialism , do not exhaust the various conceptions of the phenomenon .
6 HE WO N'T cut the exchange rate of the over-valued pound because in his daydreams he sees it replacing the German mark as the strongest currency .
7 There is too much easy talk about ‘ inspiration ’ , but at such times one sees it exactly for what it is , a breathing in of all experience , all apprehension of beauty , all love .
8 By the late 1970s this avowedly elitist tendency had provided an attractive and powerful rallying point for those in English studies who saw it as their function to " uphold the finest academic and cultural values " .
9 They recognise that not all interests in society are organised into groups and in order to explain this state of affairs they see it as important to consider two phenomena that tend to be ignored by pluralists .
10 Presented below , for example , is a woman interviewed by the London Edinburgh Weekend Return Group , a group of authors working within this perspective and insisting on seeing the state as consumers and producers themselves see it .
11 Back in Pontrhydyfen she had brothers and sisters she saw it her duty to cook and wash for .
12 His dismissal angered senior police chiefs who saw it as yet another concession from Gaviria to drug cartel chiefs , who had surrendered in return for reduced prison sentences [ see pp. 37914 ; 37957-58 ; 38283 ] .
13 IN BRITAIN , the wrangle was blasted by critics who saw it as a possible blow to Manchester 's hopes of hosting the Olympics in the year 2000 .
14 It was a grandiose theme so radical and ridiculous that it naturally appealed to many intelligence officers living in their secret world of fantasies who saw it as a convenient excuse for all their previous problems and disasters .
15 Not surprisingly Teetotalism at first ran into opposition from some Nonconformists who saw it as a rival pseudo-religion .
16 The reservoir behind it , Lake Powell ( or ‘ Lake Foul ’ as it is called by environmentalists , who think it dishonours his name ) flooded 186 miles of Grand Canyon , which Powell and others who saw it described as the most beautiful of all the West 's river canyons .
17 He never thought of patenting his invention or trying to make any money out of it , but others who saw it were not slow to realize its potential , and soon copies began to appear and were sold for £6 or £7 each .
18 For a few terrible moments they saw it all , and cowered , covering their eyes .
19 Following its flight in the binoculars he saw it make a sweep over a rough piece of land shunned by the golf course architect , a triangle of unsuitable terrain enclosed by the 2nd , 9th and 17th holes .
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