Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [noun sg] he " in BNC.

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1 In this capacity he was entitled to obedience from the subjects whose welfare he served .
2 To ask the Minister for the Arts what support he gives or plans to give to the design museum .
3 Sometimes he would secretly watch other eagles whose territory he had trespassed over , to learn from them the art of quartering back and forth over an area to find prey and flush it out
4 Even Maxton could not have worked for long with the Communists whose infiltration he had done so much to resist .
5 His two sons had already been educated at Pocklington when Yarm opened as a result of efforts by a handful of parents whose enterprise he describes as ‘ the boldest thing I have ever known . ’
6 A neat bit of rewriting there ; the real Richard was one of the leaders of the Second Crusade which laid waste to Palestine , before ending up with a score-draw against the Arabs whose land he was invading .
7 Marley had a revolutionary 's zeal and a charismatic presence which made him an intensely romantic figure not only to the young blacks whose predicament he articulated , but also to the white rock audience .
8 Given the widespread feelings of disillusionment abroad in 1976 , Carter 's strategy of offering himself as a new broom was electorally well judged , but if he impressed the voters , his relentless and sanctimonious moralizing irritated and alienated legislators whose support he would eventually need .
9 The Exhibitors Film Exchange recommends a ‘ Neighbourhood Advertising Plan ’ , the essence of which was that every manager would define ‘ the radius or zone ’ from which his ‘ logical business ’ was secured and that he should then proceed to go directly to the individuals whose patronage he could reasonably expect .
10 If the boy Dick is recognised in the civilised , thoughtful young man , it is only in one constantly mentioned physical trait , his steady , ‘ unwinking ’ eyes , and in his sense of responsibility towards the Empire and the allies whose support he helps to win .
11 As abbot of Bec , Anselm had owed obedience to several superiors whose permission he had sought before accepting the archbishopric .
12 In the seventeenth century , John Aubrey , Wiltshire 's first archaeologist , lived in the manor farm , and his name is inscribed on one of the church bells whose ringing he loved so .
13 Creggan 's arrival among his own kind in Scotland coincided with the breeding season and he was not welcome by the pairs whose territory he crossed .
14 He appreciates , too , that he must , in this instance , tread a diplomatic line between doing his job properly and maintaining good relations with club managers whose assistance he will need when fully competitive matches arise .
15 For his supporters , the resignation was an embarrassing puzzle : why had he resigned so soon after accepting the presidency , as a result of a quarrel with a " system " that he had largely created , over constitutional principles whose significance he had never bothered to explain to the French people ?
16 He thinks the only good reason for enforcing statutes whose wisdom he doubts is to protect the legislature 's ability to coordinate social behaviour .
17 There were letters to write , interviews to give , meetings with eminent writers whose work he might never have read or of whom he had no very high opinion , and of course the official round of duties : a speech at the Alliance Française on 19 January , and another at a lunch of the Anglo-Swedish society two weeks later .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment he has made of the implications for United Kingdom foreign policy of the outcome of the intergovernmental conference at Maastricht .
19 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment he has made of the prospects for increased democracy in Africa .
20 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what consideration he is giving to additional know-how support for central and eastern European countries .
21 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what importance he attaches to developing relations with the newly independent Baltic states .
22 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what role he sees for the global environmental facility in helping developing countries with their environmental problems .
23 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has on how the nuclear weapons in Ukraine are going to be controlled by the Soviet Union following the independence vote .
24 Once he went to the house in Stone Alley and was met at the door by Maggie Byrne , but she only wanted to talk about the undersized child in her arms whose life he had saved .
25 But he has brought with him the Furies who appear at key moments of the action — the spectral creatures whose gaze he can not endure but whose presence he understands , since he believes he has murdered his wife .
26 It also came from the clergy , who disliked the White Revolution generally , and from the liberals whose thunder he had to some extent stolen .
27 There was an innocence about Nicholson 's story-telling — practised for the valley children whose company he most enjoyed — so remote from the recent thoughts and experiences of Hope that he was immediately beguiled by it .
28 However Medved makes no mention of The Night of the Hunter , the classic and chilling 1955 film in which Mitchum plays … a deranged Christian fundamentalist , on the trail of two children whose mother he has murdered .
29 The president was still anxious to expose the recommendations of his own advisers to the reactions of others whose judgement he trusted .
30 His energies were mainly given to evangelism and the study of prophecy , but he also tirelessly opposed the teaching of Catholics , Irvingites , and the Quakers whose communion he had earlier abandoned .
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