Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the two TV programmes I mentioned give plenty of evidence of the power they exercise over the lives of thousands upon thousands .
2 I do n't like the one in cans I want get one of the bottles .
3 On the sa these , these graphs I think look better on the same axes , if you 've got different coloured pens .
4 If I think I am going mad , and let a psychiatrist make my decisions for me , the goals I borrow become means to keep out of trouble and recover my health .
5 Taken together , the words I hope conceal more than they reveal , and will serve only until such time as the precise formulation of your terms of reference enables you to select more apposite nomenclature .
6 Tho those sort of drinkers I think have erm almost disappeared in in large areas and subsequently , beer consumption has fallen .
7 Animals which hibernate include hedgehogs , ground squirrels , dormice , bats , hamsters and one bird .
8 Do the visual signals you receive help you understand the verbal messages ?
9 There 's projects with the kids you know get the kids to work on what they want what they want to see get them to work on their parents and find out you could find out then whether there is or not in Harlow .
10 With total lack of inhibitions she rolled face down and , her mouth buried in her pillow , howled like an animal over his death .
11 Experience shows that the longest interviews are with clients who need help to sort out serious debt problems .
12 ‘ I think it was you telling him about all those posh cars you test drive that really swung it . ’
13 Hence I would be delighted if you would be prepared to use our magazine 's Comment Column to clarify what you think needs to be done and the opportunities you think exist to make progress .
14 The majority of candidates who fail do so because they have been so nervous that they have not been able to think clearly , far less to perform well .
15 The SIET hands out around £50,000 a year to young Scots who need help to get on and , often in the nature of things , to get out of Scotland for a while : some physics graduate from St Andrews who needs time at MIT , a violinist who needs to be at a foreign conservatoire .
16 I can imagine that there may be some listeners who fill find the earlier movements just a shade self-effacing , despite the exceptional playing standards , typically glowing Philips recording , and exemplary foresight and structural awareness .
17 ‘ After all , ’ he continued , ‘ it 's totally pointless your coming to work for me if the designs you produce do n't suit my needs . ’
18 But since all the animals we eat receive their protein from plants , it is becoming accepted that we can bypass our carnivore cravings and eliminate most , if not all , animal flesh from our diet without suffering undue harm .
19 The words we use come to us already imprinted with meanings , intentions and accents of others , and any utterance we make is directed towards some real or hypothetical Other . ’
20 The words we use come to us already imprinted with the meanings , intentions and accents of others , our speech is a tissue of citations and echoes and allusions ; and every utterance we make is directed towards some real or hypothetical Other who will receive it .
21 Obviously we 'll look at the paper in detail but our overall view is that the levy will not work because all the methods they consider have some severe limitations . ’
22 find that 25 per cent of the twenty-eight psychology of women books they analyse do not mention black women .
23 In 15 years the 10,000 acres he leases have been sold at $120 an acre , then at $240 , and then seized by moneylenders when the drought of 1988 bankrupted an owner crippled with land boom loans .
24 He is unable to concentrate on forms and reports because the words he reads undergo illicit manipulations that , like the pun , involve slippage and linguistic re-synthesis :
25 But children do not possess a social analysis of what is happening to them , or around them , so the landscape and the pictures it presents have to remain a background , taking on meaning later , from different circumstances .
26 They they tended to say the same thing as the government , erm but recently Tory motions , in this council , have started to say the opposite of the government f for reasons which remain obscure to me and this is just another example .
27 The descriptions of sleep norms which follow derive largely from their work , with the exception of the norms for infants .
28 Most of the council estate dwellers I meet do n't — they only want a council house they could like and feel some control over .
29 Erm most other companies I know do it on two interviews .
30 But all the directors I like have left too .
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