Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For the next twenty minutes I drew picture after picture of devils playing and donkeys dancing .
2 Well you see you do n't even know what chapter , I mean you know re rewind that recording , I 'm sure it 'll there 'll be evidence on that on how many times I said Chapter eleven , question .
3 At other times I chipped rust off the deck , painted the boats and , in harbour , helped to repaint the ship 's side or check the discharge of cargo .
4 Sometimes I can handle it very well , other times I feel empathy with the gorilla-house on a wet Thursday in February .
5 At the LEA offices I interviewed research officers about the scheme .
6 Given these considerations I think Warnock is wrong to claim that there are reasons for saying that the baby saw these things .
7 When he scores his first coulpe of goals I reckon hell take off .
8 She , she was off , off sick and er so for the last six months I did sister 's duties which was very useful because er it , it , it gave me that little bit of independence , working on my own whereas before you 'd always got either the staff nurse or the sister to fall back on .
9 Over six months I recorded blood spots on the front of a single pair of eye protection glasses ( Surgikos ) .
10 Without recourse to books I recognised terek sandpiper with its long , slightly upturned bill and yellow legs .
11 For smaller pictures I use hardboard , but on a larger scale it can warp , which MDF will not .
12 Buyer Risks which include insolvency of the buyer ; failure to pay within six months of the due date ; and refusal to accept goods which comply with the contract .
13 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
14 Reynolds , painting , and the arts which have beauty for their object . ’
15 Marketing people suggest that are some characteristics which separate product and service marketing : a service can not be touched ; precise standardisation is difficult ; there is no transfer of ownership ; it can not be patented ; production and consumption are inseparable ; and the consumer is part of the process .
16 For if the category of the individual is to play the central role allotted to it by individualism , it must be the source of a number of social characteristics which demand explanation .
17 We are surrounded by animals which keep track of their fellows by scent yet we can not even smell a human trail , let alone follow it .
18 The ability to accurately locate a noise is particularly important for the animals which use sound to find their way around .
19 However , while receptor sites have been found in higher animals which provide feedback on the quality of the food , such sites have not been found in fish .
20 Write in Standard English ( except in contexts where non-standard forms are needed for literary purposes , eg in dialogue , in a story or playscript ) , and show an increasing differentiation between speech and writing , eg by using constructions which reduce repetition .
21 The network of squares which cover ordnance survey maps can be used to pinpoint a spot to within 100 metres , giving it a 6-figure number .
22 All three pavements appear to have had rosettes in the small squares which lie tangent to the central square .
23 Scotia is developing compounds which attack cancer in three ways .
24 One year earlier she had been seen in our hospital for joint pain and skin lesions on the lower legs which resembled erythema nodosum .
25 In spite of a keen desire to reach greater heights , progress is hindered by poor practice methods which make improvement slow and frustrating .
26 Methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which relay on a single channel of communication .
27 Nevertheless teaching methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which rely on a single channel of communication .
28 An important point is that nearly all the methods which measure use must by definition relate to use of libraries ' existing collections , and thus reflect their existing limitations .
29 However , it is obviously essential to have some way of comparing the cost and reward of borrowing and lending in this way with other methods which pay interest .
30 If teachers are to be encouraged to develop learning programmes and sequences for their pupils in styles which go counter to the traditional ( and easily prepared ) pattern , we must pay attention to their development of prerequisite skills and prerequisite understanding .
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