Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Charlemagne was a charismatic man who held his widespread and disparate peoples together as much by force of personality as by force of arms .
2 He did not answer her immediately , just continued to watch her across the table , his blue eyes suddenly as cold as ice .
3 As residential restrictions on blacks buying houses in white areas are relaxed , he is beginning to pick up black clients just as anxious as their white neighbours to escape the dark forces prowling the streets .
4 A good portion of yesterday 's volumes reflected activity by market makers , getting their trading books just as flat as possible .
5 ‘ … Anne and Emily have written books too — books just as good as mine — and their books will soon be published as well !
6 Are , er , little brothers just as naughty ?
7 these two are also hoping to come back with more money than they went … you see along the route they 're raising funds hopefully as much as ten thousand pounds for the haemophilia society …
8 In his later life he became for a few months nearly as famous as Ramsey , though in a different context .
9 If hunting were banned on all of that it would only have a small marginal effect but we can as Mr said only ban hunting on land we both own and control , land in hand , that actually totals a hundred and fifty eight acres , slightly smaller than Victoria Park but that includes road , bridleways , land with no access , S S S Is , Sites of Special Scientific Interest , land awaiting disposal the land capable of being hunted and in hand totals fifty two acres about as much of Victoria Park as I can see from my front window .
10 He loved the sound of those words almost as much as the weight of the gold coins in the priest 's belt .
11 ‘ All done now , ’ she had murmured , the once vibrant eyes quite as lifeless as the rest of her emaciated form .
12 Knowing nothing at all about the actions of other consumers and producers , each consumer will automatically ensure that the last film he or she purchases yields twice as much utility as the last meal purchased .
13 One was a big man with a bullet head and a short neck , with shoulders almost as broad as Ben 's ; but he had height with it , being all of six foot tall , which in itself made him different from most other men , for it was only here and there you would see his like .
14 In terms of recoverable energy reserves India has the tenth largest coal reserves in the world while Pakistan has gas reserves almost as large as the UK , yet economic growth in both countries is hampered by recurrent energy shortages — particularly electricity — while the cost of importing oil is a severe drain on weak exchequers .
15 And words twice as stupid .
16 Stan captured the imagination of the journalists almost as much as Lizzie .
17 He let out an unsteady breath , his blue eyes almost as dark as hers .
18 By 1882 , Edison 's system of generating power in a central power station , changed industrial methods almost as much as steam had brought about the industrial revolution , and by 1885 the first internal combustion driven machine had appeared , to be followed in 1894 by the first recognisable motorcar .
19 This was the death that had reduced Mrs Browning to a grief more overt and terrible than she had ever shown before and all around her there were faces nearly as stricken and voices almost as crazed .
20 After the shopping Denis would sit in the orderly room , watching his father write in ledgers twice as wide and twenty times as thick as his school exercise-books , or he 'd gaze longingly at the Royal Irish Constabulary uniforms of his father 's colleagues with their shining buttons and belts hanging neatly from pegs on the wall , the caps , the spiked helmets and the little pill-box hats of the cavalry police lined up , as if on parade , on a table along with whistle-chains , handcuff-cases and batons .
21 His advance team of medics claims to have found many cases just as serious as Irma Hadzimuratovic , whose plight prompted the whole mercy mission .
22 Birds were plentiful , but in many cases not as plentiful as Gould had been led to believe .
23 For the province will be affected by the next Labour government 's policies just as much as the rest of the UK .
24 The scenery was lush and the house values just as high as London .
25 No , they are probably the same condition in different manifestations just as Chemical Dependency covers alcoholism and various forms of drug addiction all of which have similar mood-altering effects .
26 Spurs not as gilded as they are painted .
27 The remaining task matters just as much , but it is trickier : to acquire , retain and exploit local managers .
28 I suspect that those of us who continue our work as Members of Parliament after the next general election will find our surgeries just as busy with people complaining about the council tax and its anomalies as we have during the past year as a result of the poll tax .
29 Considering literary texts not as autonomous utterances out of history , but as illustrations of a Renaissance culture whose forms of representation are conditioned by the social , political world they participate in has prompted readings of texts which seek to restore their former agencies and original discursive energies .
30 East European countries are thus competing for the best western companies just as western companies are competing for contracts .
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