Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] because [det] " in BNC.

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1 I mention these ignorant reactions only because this book of photographs , bracketed by two brief essays , has caused me to succumb to Frida Kahlo 's strange gaze as her actual paintings , exhibited at the Whitechapel Art Gallery some years ago , never did .
2 Now careful as you pick the packets up because some of them are so old .
3 I closed my eyes tightly because this silly new pain was going to make me cry .
4 Background knowledge consists of cautious hypotheses just because that knowledge is well established and considered to be unproblematic .
5 As the cast list expanded through royal marriages and the creation of a brood of ‘ nearly royals ’ — frivolous young men and women staking a claim to attention in the gossip columns simply because another member of the family had a genuine connection with the Windsors — the roles could be constantly juggled to satisfy an appetite which had been primed by the Palace itself .
6 But to say that an immune deficiency here and an immune deficiency there constitutes one or even two closely related diseases is like saying that apples explain oranges merely because both of them contain a number of pips .
7 An and you know , says , look Neil you 've got to get your ideas together because that 's what Neil has lacked , he 's lacked masculine influence .
8 At the time ( I know it was seven years ago because that 's when I left for Edmonton where I met Michael ) I would always make sure I read the foreign page to see what was happening in Danu .
9 Th the modern scientific view of evolution says you must treat all individuals equally because all individuals are equally just the temporary packaging for their genes .
10 We actually have n't got any erm machines now because all the ones
11 So you , you went sort of back the other way and alright it was , it was okay and , and er and there was no problems there because any , anything that came up with the C C Q you , you o you answered the questions there and went through .
12 and erm I think there must be some people there who have brought cats in because all of a sudden there are a whole lot of cats about which there were n't before you see
13 For instance a thin stream of liquid , from a tap which is being turned off , will reach a diameter at which it pays it to break up into separate drops simply because these have less aggregate area then the cylindrical stream .
14 Nightside was the name he gave the side of the school with all the dormitories on because most people only went there at night .
15 It is not the same as equal numbers of additions to each area , since there will naturally be variations from cylinder to cylinder in the number of additions just because those additions are random .
16 She 's sort of got with children then because this erm testing , they 've got to a school work outside
17 Short hypotheses looked more promising than long ones simply because more of their score was an estimate ; they had not picked up actual shortfall .
18 In the above example , the analysts and the market are doing their jobs properly because both firms have the same share price of 80p and hence indeed have the came value .
19 Now he says that someone who does n't hold much property can prove that they 're educated they should get the extra votes too , but you do n't seem , you do n't have to prove that you 're er educated if you 're rich you just get the votes anyway because that 's a good .
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