Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] and [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He left the mines eventually and got a job with a builder — he could turn his hand to anything — one of those men , you know , plumbing , anything .
2 There was thus some political pressure from Conservative Ministers to ensure that Boards allocated overheads to their contracting activities properly and secured an economic profit , but the contractors ' association director was so politically inept in following this up that Citrine had no difficulty in exposing him to Whitehall as a biased anti-nationaliser who was unwilling to accept a reasonable accommodation .
3 They should have got the solicitors in and said ‘ look you 've no rights to have been here , you walked on this common land without any permission at all , you built these places without you 've got cars park and everything ’ , and now I listen to the story where the council says they 're going to run it etc. etc and etc , well what the people want , they want it cleared up , they want it back to where it was , we do n't want somebody running another business out there , this is the idea of getting him off .
4 The tennis equipment specialists , Head , had brought some racquets and accessories along and had also set up a ‘ speed-gun ’ to record service speeds .
5 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
6 For example , in the MISLIP project teachers in different subjects ( biology , history , English ) found that the microcomputer helped pupils to plan projects better and improved the motivation of pupils ; while the school librarian at Bankhead Academy pointed to the use of a wider range of resources by pupils in the school library .
7 Robyn ground her teeth together and glared at him .
8 He put the chains down and stood up .
9 Lorton swept the coins together and crammed them into the box .
10 Meredith rubbed reddened fingers together and went round to the boot to unload her wares .
11 Instead , resting his elbows on his papers , he laced his fingers together and regarded her over them .
12 Couville tapped his fingers together and narrowed his eyes .
13 He laced his fingers together and sat back .
14 She felt him lace their fingers together and trembled with a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation .
15 Burger put the tips of his fingers together and considered what he would say .
16 Sara walked beyond the crowd and put her cases down and waited .
17 Without further hesitation they gathered their sticks together and boarded the five Bristol Bombays , squeezing themselves into the fuselages among the piles of equipment that were to be dropped with them .
18 Parties , in many respects , were no longer taken seriously by the voters ; many more people now disavowed parties altogether and declared themselves to be independents .
19 Corbett rubbed his eyes wearily and wondered when he would rest from this interminable business , who the attackers of yesterday were and , more importantly , who had paid them ?
20 She closed her eyes grimly and pointed at the table .
21 His wife rolled her eyes rather and murmured , ‘ And I get to hear about it every day , ’ as her husband hastened away to show us his computer print-out from the medical laboratory .
22 I opened my eyes eventually and took the compass out of my jeans pocket , where I 'd stowed it to have hands free for standing up .
23 She licked her lips nervously and made every effort to appear casual .
24 She licked her lips nervously and tried to simulate deep interest in the scenery outside , which was difficult , since there was very little to see in the rapidly failing light .
25 ‘ I do n't think we expected anything else , ’ said Floy , with complete courtesy and Caspar hunched his shoulders crossly and said , ‘ There might be a plan .
26 Arty opened his eyes slowly and inclined his head towards a notice on the door — a notice he had put there himself .
27 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
28 Ragged Dick opened his eyes slowly and stared stupidly in the face of the speaker , but did not offer to get up .
29 Endill opened his eyes slowly and found he was standing in a little room made entirely of books .
30 He opened his eyes slowly and yawned , stretching his satiated body between the warm sheets with the lazy sensuousness of a cat .
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