Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb base] know " in BNC.

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1 People with recurrent herpes soon get to know their disease well and can often tell 24 hours before the vesicles appear that an attack is imminent .
2 Information on how business is conducted will be required and candidates also need to know details of the compensation and benefits package attached to the posting .
3 She advised him that-parents sometimes do know best , and to ensure the best they sometimes have to insist that children do as they say .
4 Many parents also want to know what pupils do and where they go after leaving school — how many go into further education , to university or into employment .
5 Relatives also need to know who to contact and how when an emergency arises .
6 House officers also need to know what to do if their job falls far short of the recommended standards .
7 Managers , investors and other interested groups invariably wish to know how well an organization performed during a given period and its financial position at a given point in time .
8 Because parental involvement is such a key feature , teachers also need to know about parents ' rights and responsibilities under the legislation , in addition to those of the school and LEA .
9 Players now need to know clearly when they are onside or offside in order to follow the ball .
10 ‘ The book is so appealing that my pupils constantly want to know what comes next . ’
11 These stories usually counterpoise the young , inexperienced , or work-shy regular recruit with the wise and diligent old-timer on the reserves , although part-time reserve police quickly come to know the bounds within which they too can ‘ slack off ’ or ease , which are much narrower .
12 What you really want to know is what men always want to know about women , namely would she , if asked , and if not , why not .
13 Students also need to know what standards are required of them .
14 You and your fathers before have known the shape of the hills , the curves of the streams and watercress beds .
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