Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And thanks , but I think I 'd just bawl my eyes out all over you .
2 Unless the sound setting at the press show was a mistake , I have seldom heard a noisier film nor one which seems to require its stars ( Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd again ) to bellow their lines so startlingly over the din .
3 The formation of financial conglomerates , embodying commercial banking , stock-broking , market making , fund management etc , raise concerns not only over a clash of interests between conglomerate and client but also over a clash of obligations owed by the conglomerate to two or more clients .
4 There was a widower , two doors away , whose garden had done just that : he never touched it , and grass grew feet thick all over it , and weeds flourished , and roses climbed the hedge , unpruned , and ramped across the soil .
5 Instead of a lawn there would be a tangle of vegetation spreading seeds not just over the mini-meadow but on the cultivated soil of beds , borders , and vegetable plot .
6 He rumpled her hair , holding her head between both hands as she rubbed her cheeks more feverishly over his flat stomach .
7 As you 've heard we 've been cutting costs pretty significantly over the last couple of years erm what we 're talking about is three thousand people having been er made redundant over the two and a half years and as we were saying earlier substantial redundancy costs have had to be borne .
8 Could I just say at this point , this , this is one area where I would envisage us looking critically at what we 're doing and , and , and , and altering things quite significantly over the next six months .
9 The publicity surrounding such cases and the call for greater disclosure in life assurance company accounts have led to some proposals for introducing new accounting practices for proprietary life companies which seek to re-spread shareholder profits more relevantly over the term of the individual policies .
10 Some , like the famed Chaca , had put their names up all over the country .
11 This was not necessary , however , in relation to the study of the atmosphere where the earlier emphasis upon climatic classification was gradually replaced by a shift towards the understanding of the surface energy and mass exchanges especially inland over vegetated surfaces ( Hare , 1973 ) .
12 Although the men fought doggedly on , a sense of hopeless despair now engulfed soldiers and civilians alike all over Europe .
13 These people must be losing them sales hands down all over the country !
14 With growing confidence , members from outside the immediate disciplinary fraternity can raise issues not just over resources ( important though these are ) , but over assumptions taken for granted within the discipline .
15 Any such proposals would effectively remove the strong and independent enabling role which has served Stirling students so well over the past 25 years .
16 When things start moving , F equals M A crops up all over the place .
17 Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop 's window displays and promotions have supported many books with posters and paper products very successfully over the years .
18 There are spots sensitive to either heat or cold between 1 and 5 millimetres apart all over the skin .
19 I therefore would strongly urge NARE — and preferably in concert with others — to monitor events very closely over the next few years .
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