Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 While the institutions most usually approached for funding here ( The Arts Council , RTE , Commercial business ) are n't clamouring to pour money into film , both Giannaris and Gibbons feel that with persistence and imagination ( albeit in voluminous quantities ! ) the now microscopic organism may eventually become multi-cellular .
2 Adjectives most frequently used were : clear , readable , interesting , stimulating .
3 Adjectives most frequently used were : useful , informative , relaxed , knowledgeable , clear , interesting , stimulating , encouraging , satisfactory .
4 The vegetables most commonly grown in the garden were also grown in the fields : these were the bean and the pea , the basic ingredients in most medieval peasant recipes .
5 Among them was Roger Perks , head teacher of Taverstock School in Birmingham , one of the authorities most strongly opposed to opting out .
6 Consisting originally of 326 items , the collection was assembled by Thomas Coke , who acquired the majority of the drawings in Rome between 1714 and 1716 ; so they represent the work of artists most highly regarded in Italy at that time — dominant masters in Rome of the high Baroque .
7 The states most severely affected have been Mozambique , Angola and Namibia , but even countries not centrally involved in the fighting — Zambia , Zimbabwe and the two states most immediately dependent on South Africa , Botswana and Lesotho — have felt its effects .
8 The two projects most directly involved are the East London river crossing approach through Oxleas Wood , and the M3 extension on Twyford Down .
9 Although these efforts have taken quite different forms in different parts of the world , most have been based on the broad underlying philosophy that social development goals are likely to be achieved more readily if those groups most directly affected ( local communities or recipients of services ) participate in the planning and delivery of services .
10 Usually the classes and groups most adversely affected by soil erosion are politically weak , disunited and spatially separated .
11 Yet the poem stands apart from the attitudes most commonly expressed in her work , and , given its obscurity , it is necessary to be cautious with respect to its specific meaning .
12 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
13 The cases so far decided do not exhaust the possible factual permutations which give the courts such difficulty in distinguishing between leases and licences .
14 In both the cases so far considered in this Chapter , the customer took the goods under an agreement between himself and the dealer .
15 With the minor forms so far described it is possible to investigate causes by means of almost full-sized experiments , but the formation of dunes proper involves the usual sort of inferential argument based on field observation commonly employed by geomorphologists .
16 OSF says the snapshot features sample code of all the various DME component technologies so far announced , but adds that there will be other parts to be tacked-on at a later date .
17 Other old foundations which were for locational or other reasons less well suited to the changing situation , stagnated or declined .
18 A second cemetery has been identified at Borstal , about a mile south-west of the town near the river bank ; it appears to have contained mainly inhumations , and the coins so far recovered would indicate a third- and fourth-century use .
19 Old tattered flags hung from the ceiling , their patterns long since faded into the air .
20 The results suggested that the birds might have sharply tuned preferences only slightly displaced away from siblings when normally reared .
21 Others , such as Morris ( 1972 ) , Panitch ( 1980 ) and Diamant ( 1981 ) , think that corporatism must be bureaucratic , but meaning that the state will be dependent on expert officials operating according to technocratic norms only loosely controlled by a political elite .
22 Not only will the specialist interest programme go but so too will the minority programmes so carefully nurtured by organizations seeking to satisfy a broad spectrum of interests and groups .
23 But this is the penalty all pioneers must suffer , for we all operate within the narrow confines of the knowledge and attitudes of our day , and before condemning us entirely , it is to be hoped that future students will appreciate that their own work would be that much more difficult , but for the solid foundations so meticulously laid down by John Pearson Gillam .
24 * These are reprinted , along with other of Sickert 's writings in the invaluable booklet Walter Sickert ; Advice to young Artists so expertly edited by Lynda Morris , and published to coincide with the Norwich School of Art Gallery exhibition of works by Sickert in May 1986 , to which I am greatly indebted .
25 Heavily patterned carpeting may seem a good idea , concealing ground in crumbs and cigarette burns until the cleaners get to work , but there are alternatives to the garish patterns so often selected for public areas .
26 This important wharf , originally lined with warehouses only recently demolished , is set in the very heart of the city amid colleges and shops .
27 August Weismann was utterly opposed to Lamarckism and Weismann 's opinions so far prevailed that A. D. Darbishire in his authoritative Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery ( London , 1911 ) put the matter thus .
28 The committee of inquiry , composed of individuals with impressive antiracist credentials — Ian Macdonald , Gus John , Reena Bhavnani , Lily Khan — delivered a strong and , for some , an astonishing condemnation of the antiracist policies apparently vigorously pursued at the school , castigating them as doctrinaire , divisive , ineffectual and counterproductive .
29 Nevertheless the single base-line is adhered to , so we still have a series of episodic groups only formally united .
30 Within the Commonwealth , Mrs Thatcher 's hostility towards trade sanctions on South Africa had long weakened ties with the African and Asian states so fruitfully built up at the time of the settlement in Zimbabwe in 1979 .
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