Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , in keeping with the somewhat critical approach adopted in Chapter 1 , and because we also wish to indicate how our studies might be put upon a set-theoretical base ( the soundness of which is the concern of set-theorists ) we propose definitions rather more formal than many a reader might expect .
2 He ordered the dismissal of the Chancellor and Treasurer , and the arrest of four judges and two of the merchants most heavily involved in the wool monopoly , William de la Pole and Reginald Conduit .
3 The states most severely affected have been Mozambique , Angola and Namibia , but even countries not centrally involved in the fighting — Zambia , Zimbabwe and the two states most immediately dependent on South Africa , Botswana and Lesotho — have felt its effects .
4 Why then do students often find their own notes so strangely uncommunicative ?
5 Now , with the physical signs so very apparent , Celia was even more concerned at the prospect of confronting her .
6 Pale forms much more frequent than dark .
7 The study found that companies in the food and drink sector were particularly active in helping new recruits relocate with the banks and financial institutions somewhat less likely to assist their new employees .
8 We need to take good note of this , for it is an aspect of Leonard 's life , little stressed to be sure , at times perhaps deliberately down-played , that is of immense significance to him .
9 Indeed , the hon. Gentleman might acknowledge that his universally pessimistic approach to these matters is at times all too reminiscent of Private Fraser in ’ Dad 's Army ’ , whose response to every situation is to cry out , ’ We 're doomed — doomed , I tell you . ’
10 Yet the statements of attainment are in most cases much less detailed than the sequences of behavioural objectives in use in many special schools .
11 The plants have got to keep going , but I think we can make working hours much more flexible .
12 The more common form shows the hands in an attitude of prayer , centre-chest height , with the fingertips touching and , occasionally , the thumbs crossed ; the second position involves the crossing of the arms with fingertips at centre chest , the right arm being placed over the left and the fingers of both hands remaining closed but outstretched ; finally , there is the attitude of total repose , legs slightly parted at the knees , the shoulders down and the hands placed over the groin , again with the right hand over the left and the fingers together yet unclasped .
13 Hand and fingers so delicately possessive , massaging the swollen flesh , sensually squeezing , kneading , fondling , then palm withdrawn , leaving only forefinger and thumb to tug gently at one hardened , burning peak .
14 He remembered the hot burning sands outside Alexandria where he , Sir Brian , Sir Ralph , and the others had been a band of carefree knights only too happy to take the gold of the enemy .
15 This makes creditors much less likely to agree to private work-outs .
16 This represents a very substantial penalty and will undoubtedly make other owners and builders much more cautious over alterations .
17 Forty five minutes so how long we been here ?
18 The conference has helped to establish the ministries most immediately concerned with organising it , the Environment Department and the Foreign Office , as the leaders in devising new environmental initiatives .
19 Nomura was further ordered on Oct. 8 to close more than 79 of its 153 domestic branches for a month , and to close for six weeks the six branches most heavily involved in the Tokyu incident .
20 In selecting the two period styles most notoriously prone to camp life-style confections and pastiches , Steven Parissien sets out to educate through entertainment as well as to provide sound practical advice .
21 Anglo-Saxons writhed on the stage , smeared with blood , singing words perhaps mercifully unintelligible , to brisk Purcellian strains .
22 School subjects are all worthwhile but the time-table is filled and many of these subjects are pre-empting spaces that could be filled with subjects much more relevant to the modern world .
23 Lydia said that ever since running-boards had gone from cars only very vulgar people ate their victuals in the vicinity of their vehicles .
24 He did not answer her immediately , just continued to watch her across the table , his blue eyes suddenly as cold as ice .
25 ‘ I 'm glad about that , ’ he said under his breath , eyes suddenly very deadly indeed .
26 She bit her lip , the dark eyes suddenly very bright .
27 Lyell had made adaptational considerations alone completely decisive in determining the timing and placing of both species extinctions and species origins .
28 Now we travelled the best part of the Ukraine and we also dipped into and er we were there about a month , just under a month , and erm one of the impressions that I got there , just as an ordinary chap , no , not learned politically so I ca n't speak on the level er of most of your callers today , but er , I realise that here you had er people , in actual fact my my comment was the country 's half finished , everywhere you went there were building constructions so far incomplete , er projects underway and you 've got the impression that they did need communism in a way to make the thing work er , the er , let's take the Ukrainians , I mean that , that 's where the Cossacks come from and they love a good time , er those sort of people in a way need a strong government .
29 Uncle Wullie 's uncles and great-uncles long since departed Clydeside for the New World ‘ over the pond ’ and many times visited for holidays , with maple leaf tea-towels pinned up on Govan kitchen walls to prove it .
30 In consequence Ferrier 's ‘ Che farò ? ’ here sounds to today 's ears much more plausible than the famous , much more leisurely ‘ What is life ? ’ that opens the third disc .
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