Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have [been] " in BNC.

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1 Recently the coal measure type of cycle has been very plausibly explained in terms of climatically controlled ice-sheet surges , and we can very soon get lost in a multitude of explanations of the phenomena I have been discussing in this book .
2 One always seems to come back to climate as the primary explanation of the sort of phenomena I have been discussing , but for the ultimate control , sooner or later , we must face the possibility of an extra-terrestrial cause , though in most geological circles one seems to be expected to blush when doing so .
3 This is unsettling , and makes me realise that for those three and a half hours I have been the still and passive object of her intuition as well as her technical skill .
4 In the general run of life in a river this may be very true , but many times I have been able to take barbel and chub from the same swim simply by altering the depth at which my bait is fishing .
5 In recent times I have been able to go down to the hostel , where my good friend Richard Megson gives me the opportunity to wash in lovely hot water .
6 My final comment is that loadings on the Central Wales line seem fairly light at present , judging by the two or three times I have been on it lately .
7 None of my friends have children and all the mother-and-toddler groups I have been to are full of older mums .
8 Over the years the G M B has been a major part of our family life the night meetings sometimes being away from home the disputes I have been involved in you have shared them with me and listened to me , and because of my involvement you have always supported me .
9 But the subjects I have been concerned with recently have been more directly related to my own experience of life : the situation in Northern Ireland ; the Gulf War ; my thoughts have come closer to home .
10 However , over the months I have been looking I have become increasing frustrated over the issue of VAT .
11 I have been keeping tropical fish for some twenty years , but for the last two months I have been cursed with a problem which I can not solve .
12 Over the last few months I have been working my way through the variation switches .
13 ‘ Many months I have been saving , ’ he said .
14 It seems to me to have been one of the greatest tragedies in the Province in the 27 months I have been Secretary of State .
15 During the last 12 months I have been very encouraged with the way you have continued to work effectively — meeting deadlines that seemed impossible and coming up with ideas for cost savings within your own departments .
16 OVER the summer months I have been attending a class to learn Irish sign language and it has given me a new understanding of what hearing people must feel when learning to talk to deaf people .
17 Since writing these words I have been assured by Manx Cat specialists that the animal 's troublesome genetic defects have now been largely eliminated by careful selective breeding without losing its uniquely tailless condition .
18 I mean , at last I will be able to try out all the French words I have been learning .
19 One of the happiest parties I have been to for a long while was the one at Claridge 's given by Mr and Mrs John Newman , to celebrate the marriage of their daughter Miss Henrietta Newman to the Earl of Caledon , son of the late Earl of Caledon and the late Mrs Denis Alexander .
20 In fact in recent visits to schools I have been struck increasingly , not only by the ‘ over-age ’ children but by the considerable number of very young ones , conveniently parked in classrooms so that mothers could take employment , trade or visit .
21 I would draw members ' attention to the notes in block type at the head there , and that is you are working to guidelines which have been agreed by the Policy Panel and Policy and Resources .
22 This is simply an overspilling of sexual activity under conditions of extreme frustration , and the animals which have been seen to perform in this way have also been observed to copulate normally afterwards , if mates are provided .
23 My — though not necessarily her — interpretation of this observation leads me to ask whether in fact the capacity to show LTP might not be a purely artefactual phenomenon , which occurs only in animals which have been reared in the highly restricted environment of a research laboratory ?
24 However , in about 25% of animals which have been heavily infected , there is a flare-up of clinical signs during this phase which is frequently fatal .
25 The methods which have been described in detail in Chapter Three will be dealt with briefly here and emphasis will be placed on methods particularly suitable for online training .
26 ‘ Contemporary design ’ , the magazine 's editor regretted , ‘ because it has no roots in the vernacular idiom … will not appear immediately familiar ’ , whilst the ‘ mock-Tudor and the mock-Georgian styles which have been so prevalent — no matter how misguided in themselves — have sprung … from a genuine attempt to preserve a traditional atmosphere ’ .
27 This continues the series of major loan exhibitions from the British Museum to the University of East Anglia past subjects include Benin bronzes which have been made possible due to the high standard of the exhibition space , security arrangements and environment control in Norwich , which meets the Museum 's stringent loan requirements .
28 For the absolute beginner and those who lack the time or enthusiasm , the selection of a remedy can take place by considering primarily the very important symptoms of the remedies which have been printed in bold type , ignoring all the information in ordinary type .
29 May we have a debate on junk mail as soon as possible , to discuss a mailshot sent to many of my constituents by an organisation that is partly funded by Maxwell money which is so full of falsehoods that it would make the average time-share salesman blush ; which redefines the term ’ junk mail ’ and peddles dodgy , old-fashioned and out-of-date remedies which have been banned in most countries and which have passed their sell-by date ; and which bears the signature of an obscure Welsh politician , best known for losing his rag with Zimbabwean soldiers and for nutting people in public lavatories ?
30 Audit regulation , changes to the disciplinary arrangements and the continuing development of accounting and auditing standards may go some way to increasing public confidence in the profession ; and various other proposed regulations and changes to the law , such as preventing directors of public companies from exercising any influence over the appointment and removal of auditors , might have more effect than any of the steps which have been taken so far .
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