Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] had made " in BNC.

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1 I should still have thought that in securing him from Bolton Wanderers I had made the best bargain of my life . ’
2 I did my best to produce an attractive synopsis , embellishing it with some of the sketches I had made on the spot .
3 I had mentioned the unquantifiable public relationships which could be generated during a secondment and argued for the intangible value of the many hundreds of contacts I had made which could not easily be costed in purely fiscal terms .
4 Now I saw the full implications of the concessions I had made , and how compromised I had become .
5 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
6 These schools were chosen on the advice of the Chief Inspector to represent schools which had made use of the booklet and schools which had not .
7 Nomura Securities , Nikko Securities , Daiwa Securities and Yamaichi Securities were accused by the national tax authorities of having attempted to conceal the fact that they had made compensation payments to certain large clients who had made losses after taking their investment advice .
8 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
9 His supporters were also quick to remind others of her opposition to the principle of referenda in 1975 , circulating copies of speeches she had made at that time .
10 I 'm not usually stuck for words , ’ she went on , thinking of the successful extempore speeches she had made in court when her clients had led her into all sorts of impossible positions .
11 What pleased her enormously was that over these garments Tina actually wore one of the patchwork aprons she had made and given her years before , with little hope of their ever being used .
12 The two men who came in were old friends of hers , rich American connoisseurs who had made their home in Paris before the war and left only just in time .
13 Kate was curiously fascinating , but mixed in with the fascination was a sort of fear ; and over the last few months she had made it quite clear that the less she had to do with him , the better she would like it .
14 It all began with the discovery of some pencilled jottings she had made during her painting trips in the wilds of northern British Columbia .
15 After six months we had made such a success of our little business that we took on a fourth girl and moved into the garage , as we now needed more space .
16 In exchange , Aunt Tossie remembered winners they had ridden , fours and sixes they had hit , centuries they had made , and their handicaps in polo .
17 McChrystal was one of the two young musicians , just leaving music college in 1988 , whom I and two other judges chose earlier this year as the latest Sutton Recording Prizewinners on the basis of tape recordings they had made .
18 Within two months they had made a first attempt to get a suitable building site — part of the field in which the new Presbyterian School was to be built .
19 In 1973 the Libyan leader , Gaddafi , indirectly attacked Egypt for the concessions it had made .
20 Jack said he would and twenty-three years later , in May 1990 , Roger Corman named it as being among the best pictures he had made , and by then the total had exceeded 200 .
21 Suspicion of the king lingered on after the conclusion of the parliament of 1341 , and was probably intensified by his solemn revocation of the concessions he had made in that parliament at a council attended by all the magnates in early October 1341 .
22 It drew upon a series of speeches he had made in the late autumn , particularly an address to an all-union student forum .
23 He would now dry it in natron , before packing the cavities he had made with linen treated with myrrh and cassia ; the nostrils and eyes plugged with linen soaked in resin , and the hair dressed with as much care as for attendance at a royal wedding .
24 He turned to the entries he had made himself .
25 The Commission responded by urging Contracting States which had made the Reservation under Article 23 to withdraw it , or at least adopt the language of the United Kingdom Reservation .
26 Within a few years of this last attempt by an emperor to rally the Roman empire to paganism , a Greek bishop could speak of Julian 's pagan revival as a misguided attempt to introduce ‘ novelties ’ in place of the traditional religion ; but at much the same time in the West , Christians were still regarded as outside the mainstream of respectable upper-class culture , as the foolish minority who rejected the wise and hallowed traditions of their forefathers which had made Rome great .
27 Benjamin often expressed regret at the passing of ‘ traditional ’ art and the social ties and functions which had made it possible .
28 During the last working session of the UNCLOS , arrangements were made to give guaranteed access to those countries and companies which had made substantial investments in deep-seabed mining in the past .
29 Speaking at SE 's headquarters in Glasgow , he said the new estimate compared with about £28 million earned in 1992 by Scots companies which had made initial ventures into the emerging markets , helped by SE 's energy group and Scottish Trade International .
30 One incidental result of this was that Indirect Rule , the proud and mysterious creation of innumerable men-on-the-spot , upon which it was forbidden to the uninitiated to look , was transformed after years of scrutiny by metropolitan experts into a uniform system of local government , whereby Britain hoped to bring into the orbit of her unresented influence the non-traditional elements which had made their appearance in African society .
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