Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] than me " in BNC.

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1 Women her age usually give up sex — she 's a few months older than me , you know .
2 I sometimes ( no , often ) feel that you are much more than eighteen months older than me .
3 Dear Anne Collins , ten years younger than me , taught early Renaissance painting and was just about my only real friend there .
4 I meet these guys who are six years younger than me and they 're going , ‘ You got ta check out The Doors , man ’ .
5 Mr. Stone was an old man with a full white beard although he had a daughter several years younger than me .
6 My sister took a bit of stick at first , too , and although she 's two years younger than me and was in a different class , we stuck together at break times and tried to avoid the sneering eyes .
7 One was two years older than me and the other was five years younger than me .
8 Younger than me , yes , just slightly younger than me , two or three years , I do n't know exactly but I should say she 's two or three years younger than me .
9 Natalie 's three years younger than me .
10 ‘ Nick 's about seven years younger than me but he has tremendous talent .
11 Meggie , my sister two years younger than me , was helping Mum on the verandah .
12 and she 's got arthritis , well in her knees , same as I have but not quite so bad because er , well up to now , but then again she 's younger than I am er several years younger than me and , but she 's getting on and so is Jack you see and er , and er so erm I 've had a , as I say , I 've had , I 've had a wonderful life really .
13 yeah , yes and er she , but she was a bit younger than me she was more my young sister 's age , two years younger than me
14 if we 'd got any young brothers or sisters if we wanted we could take them with us , fine , so I said to me brother Vic who 's three years younger than me
15 Twenty , she 's more than she 's more than twenty years younger than me .
16 Oh good lord yes , she 's doing well , in fact eh , some time in November this year she 'll only be two years younger than me .
17 You 're only two mo , two days older than me , or one day older .
18 She was about 10 years older than me .
19 He 's years older than me , but that does n't matter either .
20 And another thing , he 's thirteen years older than me .
21 Uncle Ern said to my cousin Jim who was some six years older than me , ‘ Why do n't you go and get that old box of fag cards for Arthur . ’
22 ‘ Well , my older brother Mike , who is five years older than me , was a spectacular young musician .
23 Sal was a couple of years older than me and Pop would spoil us rotten — meals on trays in front of the telly , day trips to Belle Vue fun park or Blackpool — so I was surprised when one week she refused the usual invitation .
24 ‘ She 's only seven years older than me and so I 've never looked on her as a mother figure .
25 There was obviously some sort of sexual element to it but I just did n't know what to do next and expected this man , who was about two or three years older than me , to , in some way , tell me or indicate to me and so I followed him without talking to him .
26 We did n't have a record player , but when I was about five , my sister , who 's seven years older than me , was a great Paul Anka fan — he was the great love of her life .
27 All my friends and playmates were Indian and , since my father 's job was to act as guardian to a Maharajah some five years older than me , I looked upon Bahadur as an older brother .
28 He was two years older than me and was only eighteen when he had first killed somebody .
29 We were living in Surrey at the time and I was sharing a double bed with my brother , who 's five years older than me .
30 She was a good twelve years older than me , but allowing for that , I 'd seen myself look not much better some mornings in the last few months , my skin blotchy , my eyes shadowed and swollen , my lips pale and dry-looking , my hair lifeless and uncombed .
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