Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] under the " in BNC.

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1 Silver cross belts blazoned battle honours across their chests and silver spurs gleamed under the table .
2 Within 12 months the Moderation movement had collapsed and in 1835 the abstainers re-grouped under the banner of Total Abstinence .
3 Such clinics burgeoned under the 1991 general practitioner contract , but there is no evidence that they detect or deal with disease more effectively than case finding within ordinary consultations .
4 ( The Scottish Central Institutions remain under the aegis of the Scottish Education Department . )
5 Products developed under the agreement will be marketed by both companies .
6 Moed & Vriens found , in their study of inaccuracies in citations 146 , that the largest single cause of discrepancies was the method of dealing with compound names , such as van , van der , de , Mac , and hyphenated names ( some authorities cite under the first part , some under the second , some ignore the hyphen ) .
7 Moed & Vriens found , in their study of inaccuracies in citations , that the largest single cause of discrepancies was the method of dealing with compound names , such as van , van der , de , Mac , and hyphenated names ( some authorities cite under the first part , some under the second , some ignore the hyphen ) .
8 Requests received under the British Library Document Supply Centre 's back-up scheme have again dropped very significantly to 792 , less than half of last year 's requests .
9 They do no more than show that the legislature has not shrunk , where it has seemed appropriate , from interfering in a greater or lesser degree with the immunities grouped under the title of the right to silence .
10 Her fingers stiffened under the memory of the innumerable raps on the knuckles Sylvie had given her in the past .
11 A QAO log is also created for any installed Pmodel module and holds records of any installations and deinstallations occurring under the module name .
12 The Moon was one of the first objects to come under the scrutiny of the newly-invented telescope .
13 Anthony Reynolds has a three-part , changing exhibition of paintings by European and American artists grouped under the title ‘ And what do you represent ? ’ ( to 19 December ) .
14 UK local authorities report under the fund view combined with the commander view .
15 Some of the more interesting biographical details were apparently censored by departmental heads when they were sent back to be checked , but a few curiosities remain under the heading of leisure/interests , such as ‘ Three miniature smooth haired dachshund bitches ’ for County NatWest 's Angus Phaure , ‘ The later philosophy of Wittgenstein ’ for Merrill Lynch 's Ian McEwen ( sounds like fun ) and ‘ My wife ’ for BZW 's Colin Davies .
16 Mr. Tony Favell , supported by Mr. David Harris , presented a Bill to remove from registers of common land and registers of town or village greens dwellinghouses registered under the Commons Registration Act 1965 which had been used as dwellinghouses for a minimum of twenty years immediately prior to the commencement of that Act ; and for purposes connected therewith : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 24 February and to be printed .
17 Women giggled while men in the audience whistled and shouted — orange-showered down for the Gallery — wags shouted encouragement as Hubert 's eyes bulged under the strain of it all .
18 People in residential homes remain under the care of general practitioners .
19 As the bath is plastic , you screw the legs to location spigots situated under the bath rim .
20 Examinations will continue to be provided until the last candidates enrolled under the old system have completed the normal duration of their course .
21 Examinations will continue to be provided until the last candidates enrolled under the old system have completed the normal duration of their course .
22 The clergy educated under the dispensation of Charlemagne stood at the elbows of his successors like Old Testament prophets advising them how to rule — from the Old Testament .
23 Some of the marble floors in the great halls cracked under the weight of machinery moved over them after they had been prematurely laid down .
24 In the Stadtpark just behind the swimming pool , the cars parked under the chestnut trees were half an inch deep in confetti-like blossom .
25 Her legs stiffened under the blanket .
26 Negotiations between the Guatemalan government and guerrilla organizations grouped under the umbrella of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity ( URNG ) took place in Mexico City on April 24-25 .
27 Images compressed under the JPEG standard at a ratio of 20:1 have been shown in printed form .
28 Trips made under the Region 's Concessionary Travel Scheme decreased by 13% to 38 million between 1990/91 and 1991/92 .
29 The number of trips made under the Concessionary Travel Scheme will continue to be monitored and the relationship with the number of recorded casualties to elderly people studied .
30 My Lords , the respondents to this appeal , Woolwich , paid to the Inland Revenue Commissioners almost £57m. pursuant to demands made under the Income Tax ( Building Societies ) Regulations 1986 .
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